

New member
I've used the search, but probably not well enough, so if you can spare some time for a question you've heard 987046587 times before then that would be great. monitors, $500 budget. What should i be looking for? Are monitor specs all subjective? Like some bassier than others etc? Any recommendations?

At the minute i'm thinking Behringer...Behringer, should i trust that nice price? You get what you pay for right?

Thanks :)
Denzel85 said:
I've used the search, but probably not well enough, so if you can spare some time for a question you've heard 987046587 times before then that would be great. monitors, $500 budget. What should i be looking for? Are monitor specs all subjective? Like some bassier than others etc? Any recommendations?

At the minute i'm thinking Behringer...Behringer, should i trust that nice price? You get what you pay for right?

Thanks :)

Rather than answer this, because there are waay too many question marks, I say do some research. You obviously have access to a computer, so I recommend doing some searching on models that you are familiar with and weigh the pros and cons against what you think you may need to accomplish. The reason why is, what works for me may not work for you. We were born with seperate pairs of ears remember?
Trust me, you'll better off and you'll get what you want. After you have narrowed down your choices then maybe you should posts looking direction!
grab some discs that you know REAL well and hit the bricks... listening is the ONLY way... and dont leave out the hifi shops just because it doesnt say "PRO" or "monitor"...
$500 budget seems pretty good to me for monitors to start. I picked up a used set of KRK V8's for that price (well $400). As said, research.

I had the Behringer 2031A's and didn't like them at all. But it may be different for you. Those can be found for half the price. But, be careful if you buy used.
I have beri's - the 2031a's, I think. Really all I could afford in 8" speakers. I could have gotten some more reliable, better sounding smaller monitors for the same price, but to my untrained ear, I liked the bigger low end I got from the 8" speakers. I went to GC with about 3 CD's (Dark Side OTM, and Tom Petty's "Wildflowers", and something else...) and spent quite a bit of time trying different ones, even those way out of my price range, just to see.

Ultimately I got the Beri's from One of them blew up within 2 weeks, but they sent me a return shipping label, and a brand new pair, without any hassle. So, I wouldn't say the monitors are very reliable, but return policy definitely is. Keep that in mind if you buy something cheapish.

Also, if you haven't already, be sure to budget for some acoustic treatment - bass traps, etc. That will increase the value of any monitors by quite a bit.