£500 ($1000 approx) 5 mics


New member
So i'm looking for some mics, i want about 5 for drums for starters. I'm thinking about an SM57/8 for one (everyone should own one right?)... but after that i'm lost as to what i should be looking at, there is so much option?

So could anyone give me any pointers? As i say my budget is roughly $1000, but i can stretch a little if need be.


To get started 2 overhead condensers (Oktava mc012, not bad for the price, AKG C 451 EB, $500/ pair used) a snare (57 or i5 $60 - $90) and a kick ( Beta 52,ATM25 or D112 roughly $200), I prefer an EV RE20 on kick but theyre a little bit more (not much). That should get you going. Later you can get a few more 57s or 421s for the toms. You can use those mics on a lot of different instruments to.