new recording enthusiast!


New member
Hi, I'm sure you get posts like this all the time, but i'm sure you understand that posts like this need to be specific, depending on the person/budget etc

I would very much like to get into recording, though i don't want to start off too flash or anything. I'm just looking to have the ability to produce a decent quality recording.

At the minute, i'm pretty ignorant towards recording. I use a Fostex VF-160, record the parts, and then record to mp3 by transferring the parts to a single stereo track in cubase by means of the headphone socket in the Fostex and the line-in of my old crappy pc. It's stupid i know.

these are the results i get -

as you can see the records are shoddy as hell.

Now, obviously i need better recordings. So let's just say i'm starting from scratch and i have £2000 ($2700?). What would you suggest i need to get myself a decent quality recording? As i said before i'm not looking for anything flash just yet, but something to bulid upon would be nice.

I've done my research on microphones, and their placements etc etc

all i need to know is what gear (think budget) i would need to get myself started

are there any laptop computers that are good for recording? as i move about a bit.

any help here would be appreciated, i accept the fact that i am very naive when it comes to this, but i do have willingness to learn.


Head over to and read Tweak's guide. It's very helpful in the purchasing and learning of gear. He also gives several options for recording set ups. Have a read get an idea of what you want and then come ask more if you need to. That guide helped me to purchase all my gear.