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  1. C

    Who pays for stems and why?

    Hey all, Maybe this thread belongs in a different category. I found it tricky to find a suitable category for this question, but anyhoo: Do you purchase stems from other musicians? There are a number of ways to sell your tracks online, and I am wondering who is the customer, and how do you...
  2. C

    Soundcraft Spirit Folio SX Hum issue

    I've been having this intermittent issue with hum in my Soundcraft Spirit Folio SX. A few years ago I had the smaller Soundcraft Spirit Folio 12/2 which developed the same issue. Power supply caps close to voltage regulators that get hot. Easy fix if you're handy with soldering.
  3. C

    VST Reverbs vs Lexicon MPX 550

    From time to time I jam online using Ninjam. I have the dilemma of whether to make a mix of my drums on my analog desk and just record a stereo mix, or to record 8 separate channels and mixing them in realtime in Reaper. There a a few requirements for the latter: 1) I must use low enough latency...
  4. C

    HD16 HDD swap to SSD

    Hey all, Some of you might remember that Zoom used to have a user forum on their website I used to frequent that forum back when I got my HD16. I remember one dude successfully swapping out the HDD for a solid state drive, but unfortunately the tutorial he wrote is now...
  5. C

    $60 Snare

    Got a cheap noname steel snare 6,5"x14". Recorded a short clip. What do you think?
  6. C

    I'm bored, let's discuss things you can't hear.

    I am of the opinion that you very rarely (read: not) can hear the difference between different audio interfaces and converters. From reading about the most well thought out tests on gear like this, I understand that the ear detects differences in playback level down to 0.1dB. You won't hear one...