Recent content by richardsorr

  1. R

    DAC1- 002r

    How would a benchmark DAC1 connect to my 002r for monitoring? Sweetwater is telling me I need an extra box for it to work?
  2. R

    apogee converters

    I've been debating getting new converters for my studio for a long time. I have a digi 002r and an ISA428 with the ADC card, I obviously use the 428s converters over the digis My question is, Will it be worth getting somethng like a Rosetta 800? Is there going to be a big difference over the...
  3. R

    hardcore band mix

    I haven't posted here in a long time, figured I'd throw up the current band I'm recording. Just a bunch of my friends having some fun. I'm going to change the bass drum and use a sample with the original track, its too clicky. also the group vocals...
  4. R

    a couple metalcore mixes I just finished two new mixes I just finished, check them out and let me know what you think of them. band is happy, but I'm still nit picking. thanks.
  5. R

    Leaving Friends in the Morning.

    Leaving Friends in the Morning. New band I've been recording the past few months. lemme know what you think! thanks.
  6. R

    new band I'm recording. This songs called "Let the Games Begin", the band is called Under the Gun. I think this song is just starting to get to my head. Is this lacking as much as I think it is or am I losing it? one of those project where I can't wait for it to...
  7. R

    Seventh Circle Audio Pres

    I'm pretty interested in these pres lately, Especially since they are a project. Does anyone have any experiance with them? which modules are best? What applications are they good for? Type of sound and all that. I remember seeing people talk them up on other forums a long while ago. these...
  8. R

    something different

    a band I'm currently recording. they are called the march hare. not really finished the mix, any opinions would be great. take a listen, let me know what you think. definately an interesting band. thanks
  9. R

    new mix, need advice! this is one of my bands new mp3s, jus typical generic hardcore. meh. I'm having trouble getting my bass drum to come through nice and thick, it seems fine when I'm listening on my studio monitors..any tips and advice would be greatly appreciated...
  10. R

    Need Quick Buying Advice!

    I've been searching around for some cheap gear to add to my setup. I have come across a Manley Tube DI. Its 220 bucks.. I already have an Avalon AD2022, and just got a Sansamp bass driver. Would this be worth getting? Can it compare or outdue what I already have?
  11. R

    Mix Advice

    Hey all. this is the first real serious project i've done. its a friends band. hardcore/metal type stuff. not done yet, but i'd like to see how i'm moving along, make sure i'm not headed in the wrong direction let me know what you think. any tips...