a couple metalcore mixes I just finished


New member

two new mixes I just finished, check them out and let me know what you think of them. band is happy, but I'm still nit picking. thanks.
I like it. I dont think its too compressed, may be a little..
How did you get that effect from 1:46 - 1:50 when there is double bass and it sounds like the guitars 'duck out' i cant rly describe it. It sounds cool how did u do it?

Edit: in drug store cowboy
Ha, sorry for another question but what did the guitarists use for their distortion and what amp did they use and what mic did you amp it with?
The guitars were 2 tracks of a peavey jsx and 6505 cab. and 2 of the jsx with a mesa 2x12. one 57 right up on the grill into an avalon ad2022.

that part just kinda came out that way, I didn;t really do anything to be honest.
well, if you really want to nit pick, my little two cents would be that it sounds a tab bit overcompressed (pumpy, sort of?) and maybe the snare could have been a little higher pitched and snappier. jsut personal preference stuff, i suppose. i REALLY liked the mixing though, far above what ive done so far. good job.
I just messed around with eq yesterday on this track just whilst listaning to it and found that boosting 60-180 and 7K-16K gave it more life and sounded less compressed, i took out some of the mids so that the volume diddnt change.
I think it's a tad bit more than slightly overcompressed. Now don't get me wrong, I like compression as much as the next guy but this is TOO much. The song is constantly pumping and not in a good way. I'd work on the attack/release settings and smooth that out a bit
the thing is, that I mixed this through the McDSP AC channel. I'm still getting used to it/learning from my mistakes, I guess I had the input up a bit too high, cause theres no compression on the master.

is this any better