Leaving Friends in the Morning.

Hey! That's cool. Very different. What do you call that styling?

The unexpected drum rhythms keep your attention. The vocal harmonies are very soothing. There's a subtle intensity but still very relaxed. I'm in a hotel listening on my laptop so I really can't comment on the mix but I really like the tune.
this has a Modest Mouse kinda vibe to it...I like that!! :) ....snare track seems a bit too loud though...thanks for sharing.
Has a real "live" sound to it - I think because the background vocals sound like the singer is standing "back" from the mic. Gives it depth. Cool :cool:

Not a big fan of the busy drums but it keeps it interesting. The drumming is great but not my style for a slower song. But this could be called eclectic I guess.... :)

I agree that the rest of the song is very smooth and relaxing and well written and performed..... :D
I don't really know what they would be considered, definately interesting.

Heres another song by them.

Big Snow

needs some work, eh.

Glad you guys like it. the "live" sound is definately what the band and I are going after.

richardsorr - I take it you are the engineer/mixer/producer? Cool.....

Big Snow - REALLY like the drums right away on this - very well recorded and mixed IMHO. The bass is mixed nicely as well.

This song is more to my liking, wherein the drums carry the tune along with a fairly steady rhythm......

Yes the vocals need a bit more work - a little soft at the beginning.....

I'm liking where this is at and where it's going....... :D
thanks , yes I recorded and am mixing this :) . Hopefully I can finish everything up this weekend. I'll try to post the rest when it's finished. Hopefully you will enjoy it.

anyone else? opinions?