Recent content by Littletrigger

  1. L

    Major Issues With Firepod

    Ok guys/gals I have a problem. For the last 18 days, I have been trying to get the Presonus Firepod, and Cubase LE (stock software) to run on my computer, without the massive issues of pops and clicks, or the other issue of 1+ second latency. When i first bought the Firepod, at the begining of...
  2. L

    LOUD guitars and SM 57/58

    I have tried searching over and over again for this subject, because its such a newbie its silly, but i can't find one anywhere. Sorry. I know the latter is a live vocal mic, so we will get that out of the way. If I were to close mic a 70's Hiwatt Dr103 at really high (nearly railed) volumes...
  3. L

    Soundcards/digi mixers/interfaces?????

    Hi guys, I'm totally new to this forum, and modern recording, (all I know is an sm57/58 and a four track Tascam made some time in the dark ages.) What I would like to know is the following. What do I need, to record up to 8 simultaneous tracks digitally into cubase? I already have an athlon...