Soundcards/digi mixers/interfaces?????


New member
Hi guys, I'm totally new to this forum, and modern recording, (all I know is an sm57/58 and a four track Tascam made some time in the dark ages.) What I would like to know is the following. What do I need, to record up to 8 simultaneous tracks digitally into cubase?

I already have an athlon 64fx2 4800+, 2gb memory.... setup because I focus primarily on visual digital editing. But as for sound cards, digital mixers, interfaces and the rest that goes with it how would I get a setup on my current machine that would let me record at least a drum kit , and a bass guitar together?

finally, what would you recommend in terms of this equipment for the tighter budgeted person, being that I am a student and have forked out the majority of my earnings on the basis of my new pc?

any help will be greatly appreciated. :)
I dunno how much you can spend, since limited budget would vary by opinion. All you really need is a soundcard, mic pre's, and some decent mics. Check out MOTU for soundcards. The 828 MK is great as a firewire interface. As for mic pres, I would recomend M-Audio Audio buddy pres. These are reletivly cheep and they come two pres for each box. Then pick up som shure and MXL mics, as they are pretty cheep and good quality.

I am using 5 shure sm-57s, a shure beta 52, and two MXL condensers going into 4 M-Audio Audiobuddy pres going into my MOTU 828 MK, which is running into Logic 7 by firewire running on a G4 ibook. All files are stored on our 110 gig external hard drive. This set up gets amazing quality for me, and i only did it for about $2,500. I don't know what you are willing to spend, but that's a pretty cheep way to get great quality.

Good luck.

Littletrigger said:
Hi guys, I'm totally new to this forum, and modern recording, (all I know is an sm57/58 and a four track Tascam made some time in the dark ages.) What I would like to know is the following. What do I need, to record up to 8 simultaneous tracks digitally into cubase?

I already have an athlon 64fx2 4800+, 2gb memory.... setup because I focus primarily on visual digital editing. But as for sound cards, digital mixers, interfaces and the rest that goes with it how would I get a setup on my current machine that would let me record at least a drum kit , and a bass guitar together?

finally, what would you recommend in terms of this equipment for the tighter budgeted person, being that I am a student and have forked out the majority of my earnings on the basis of my new pc?

any help will be greatly appreciated. :)

PC Recording
To get 8 stimulus tracks, you can go for something like;
1)The Firepod, that is an interface and pre amps (8). This seems to be pretty popular amongst most users on this board.
2)Or invest in an 8 -track stimulus mixer, with that than becomes pricey.
I dont know i whole lot about digital boards. I prefer analog boards.
3)Delta 1010, than you need to get pres.
4)Echo Layla, than you needs pres.
thanks guys, Although i was looking at getting a digital mixer, i think the firepod looks like an excellent product, it comes at the expense that i have to use a mouse to mix/eq, but i dont really mind for that kind of compatibility. I already own sm 57's and 58's for the purpose of playing live and old school analog recording so thats fairly cool, if i need condensers/drum mics/ribbons etc then i have them stored in a "vault" in a really cool analog studio i set up in a london comprehensive school, which is where i would drag my system down to to record anything major.

Just one last thing. If any of you have any reccomendations for a reasonable sound card, I was looking at the audigy platinum2 pro, but i am aware of the problems buying commercial gear like creative in other areas like visual editing, guitar equipment etc..., would the same apply for this card?

Many thanks
