Is Christianity a Shtick?

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^ more 'claims' stated like they're 'facts' 🤪
^ more claims stated as facts
i interpret dogooders comment as his proposal of what could have been if the circumstances were different than the real circumstances that we all know as fact, intended to promote discussion about the topic. Your comment is also an unsubstantiated fact that you haven‘t proven, which makes you guilty of the same thing you are preaching to us all about.
the 'now' is just your 'perspective'
It's the only perspective that is real, the rest is history or a mystery...all we have is now

Some people look towards the future
Some people live in the past
Those people, those crazy people
are living their lives with their heads up their ass

Don't worry about the things you can't change

Your examples are great arguments that time exist and to the lay person convincing
Not so much to physicist (I am not one)
I just know enough to know we just don't know what we don't know. Until we cross over from Now to the Then, it's all just a crazy collection of micro moments collecting up and what this illusion we're 'experiencing" is all about is far beyond our feeble minds and pay grade....No one knows what this life thing is all about. If they say they do they are either lying, accepted what some other liar or liars have convinced them to believe or are just seriously delusional.

We are living in a dream within a dream within a dream... least that's what I reckon ..therefore I AM
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do you/did you save $ for your retirement? hmmm? 🤓 did you learn any valuable life lessons in your youth that you still find useful? hmmm? 😉
Ask someone who has full blown dementia those questions....This life experience in relation to eternity is a "blink of an eye."...and that my friend is a phrase used as a measurement of what we call time. This life is a mere grain of sand on an endless beach. Time is on a dead end street.
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