Joe Biden........

Joe Biden, good or bad?

  • Good?

    Votes: 5 35.7%
  • Bad?

    Votes: 9 64.3%

  • Total voters
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But I would think threats of prosecution might damn well "discourage" some parents from confronting school boards with concerns over the education of their children.
The purpose of terrorism is to produce fear in the general population.
Mission accomplished.

And the sad part here, is that those that don't believe this have no clue it actually happened, because the media they watch never reported on it.

It is the same sad thing with my mother. She actually watches 'The View' and CNN/MSNBC. She has no clue about what is going on in the world other than her completely/obviously biased news formats she watches because she hates Trump. It is sad as she is about to fall prey to dementia, and she will be left with that hate in her heart...

That being said, how would we expect anyone who listens to one biased side of media to have a clue as to any reality? They are fed that alternate views are 'conspiracy theories', 'terrorists', and the ever popular 'racists'!

I give them (regular people listening to bullshit - not politicians) a break, because they just don't know what reality is, because they have been fed it by what we all once thought of as 'the news'. Journalism used to actually report on crimes and corruption. Now it is partizan and only supports itself by denigrating the opposing side.
Good job stupid fucks that can't define a woman. You just fucked half of your demographic and they are going to make that clear eventually.

Once this smoke clears that media and the current administration is fucking you in the ass. I respect anyone who is a democrat for their beliefs, but get the fuck off your horse and realize that your party is in-fucking-sane right now! Move back to the side of reason and admit that this shit is insane. You are only making it worse by condoning, or shifting blame. Head out of ass time and get fucking real already. For fuck sake! Stop arguing bullshit for the sake of self ideology, and not taking the time to listen to opposing sides.

Oh, and if any of you actually watched Fox News and listened, it is likely the most unbiased source you can get. There are some hosts that are truly arrogant, and it is also biased media, but not one of them are calling the democratic party a threat to democracy. The mainstream media is the one calling out and dividing this country. Open your eyes to both sides. Its fucking politics, and half of America is disillusioned into thinking the opposing side is actually a threat. It's not. One side is sure trying to divide us all because they like the power it brings them.

Rant over...
That is pure gold right there my friend. Outstanding.
That being said, how would we expect anyone who listens to one biased side of media to have a clue as to any reality? They are fed that alternate views are 'conspiracy theories', 'terrorists', and the ever popular 'racists'!
The great awakening started with WMDs in Iraq that didn't exist.
It was a lie from the intelligence community.
Then the american funding of ISIS, which Trump pretty well ended.
Then the russia hoax created by the DNC and intelligence political-operatives..
Then the Hunter Biden laptop that was supposedly "russian disinformation" dismissed by the intelligence community.
The DOJ just needs to be shut down already.
Forward Party
Anything other than this divided and supposed party bullshit. Both sides are corrupt. One has found a way to corrupt a big part of the justice system that is supposed to keep them in check. The other just waits til the other side buries themselves. Then they take over. Its all bullshit!

Something needs to change. It ain't gonna be Trump, it ain't gonna be Hillary, and someone needs to put Biden in a home.

Anyone have any good ideas? I'm at a loss myself....
The great awakening started with WMDs in Iraq that didn't exist.
It was a lie from the intelligence community.
Then the american funding of ISIS, which Trump pretty well ended.
This may be all true and most probably is. But thats how America works and always has done for years. It's the only way they can justify the huge spending on arms. You always have to be waring against someone. Usually undeveloped countries who cant fight back to gain control of their assets. To justify your aims you drag everybody else into it and kill and maim thousands of their service men.

Afghanistan........A war for nearly 20 years to get basically one man who apparently was living just down the road, but you couldn't find him......... allegedly.......... What a mess.

Iraq..........Another mess to get one man who you had backed for years just because he was against another country who gave you the boot.

You would have thought after the Vietnam shambles that you would have learnt..........apparently not..........Vietnam..........Iraq..........Syria...........Afghanistan...........Libya.

Who is next?
And the FBI. And the IRS. And the EPA. And the DoE. Shut 'em all down! Out of control, I tell ya.

Objection Over-ruled... by the Supremes.... 🥃 🥃 🥃 :drunk:

Supreme Court restricts the EPA's authority to mandate carbon emissions reductions

Objection Over-ruled... by the Supremes.... 🥃 🥃 🥃 :drunk:

Supreme Court restricts the EPA's authority to mandate carbon emissions reductions

Fake news.

That's the really neat thing about the Trump era. You can say and think whatever you want - whether it's true or not. It doesnt even matter. No one cares.:thumbs up:
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No I’m not. Are you so stupid as to think we only started getting lied to the day trump got into office?

Good lord, Dave your naïveté baffles me. Or willful ignorance?
I thought we'd already established that I'm not stupid. :ROFLMAO:
Anyway, the incredible idea that you'd vote for and accept a person that has lied to you/us more than anyone else, ever in the history of... history is flabbergasting.
Every single one of his family/employees/WH staff has said so under oath.
Under oath!
I get that you don't like it, and I get that you think it's a sham, but they all did it under oath. Are they all liars?
These facts don't care about your feelings man. He's a POS.
Here's one for you...
Who knocked down the towers 9/11? Answer - Saudis.
Who is now taking their money at his Bedminster club with Liv golf tournaments? It's only 50 miles from the 9/11 attack.
He couldn't give a fucking shit about them, you, or anyone else except for himself and his fucking bank account.
Bush lied to us, poppa bush lied, Clinton lied, Obama lied and on and on. Politicians lie. Full stop!

Fake news has been around for a long time.
DJ T didn’t invent it.

As to the Donald, I didn’t vote for him, I won’t vote for him and I don’t like him.

As to you, well you can be intelligent in certain areas and stupid in others, as can I and everyone else.

So maybe it’s willful ignorance based on a hatred of one man.

I forgive you because there’s never (in my lifetime) been such a negative smear campaign run on any president as there has been on orange man. The media has been pushing anti-Donald stuff everyday since the beginning. Seeing how you’ve been subjected to that, I understand if you’ve succumbed to the propaganda.

Trump was not as bad as he was made out to be, and not as good as his supporters believe him to be.

But this country was in better shape under him than Biden. Biden is a bigger piece of shit.
And I’ll stand by that statement.

Bush lied to us, poppa bush lied, Clinton lied, Obama lied and on and on. Politicians lie. Full stop!

Fake news has been around for a long time.
DJ T didn’t invent it.

As to the Donald, I didn’t vote for him, I won’t vote for him and I don’t like him.

As to you, well you can be intelligent in certain areas and stupid in others, as can I and everyone else.

So maybe it’s willful ignorance based on a hatred of one man.

I forgive you because there’s never (in my lifetime) been such a negative smear campaign run on any president as there has been on orange man. The media has been pushing anti-Donald stuff everyday since the beginning. Seeing how you’ve been subjected to that, I understand if you’ve succumbed to the propaganda.

Trump was not as bad as he was made out to be, and not as good as his supporters believe him to be.

But this country was in better shape under him than Biden. Biden is a bigger piece of shit.
And I’ll stand by that statement.

You can stand by all of that. It doesn't mean it's true just because you say and think it. It's your opinion - and nothing more. In my opinion - your opinion lacks credibility and is not based in observable, incontrovertible fact based reality.
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