I have recently increased my efficiency in morning preparation

Seeker of Rock

Let’s Go Brandon!
I found that shaving while having my morning constitution has cut some time needed for my morning job prep. Not sure why I've never made a habit of this before. Probably because I enjoyed reading or phone ring to shaving.
I'm not gonna ask...
I'm not gonna ask...
I'm not gonna ask...


Okay, where do you rinse the blade??

No, no, no I don't want to know....
I don't want to know....
I don't want to know....
I don't want to know....
Does anyone shave their face in the shower? I feel like this would save a lot of time, but I don't know anyone who does. Just need to get me one of those little shower mirrors!
Does anyone shave their face in the shower? I feel like this would save a lot of time, but I don't know anyone who does. Just need to get me one of those little shower mirrors!

At present I'm wearing a beard so no shaving at all...but when beard-free I shave in the shower. I don't even bother with a mirror--I can pretty much do it by feel.
I shave in the shower. A fog-free shower mirror is a must. This is my bearded part of the year, so I just trim it up at this point.
Good to see you "shave in the shower" guys are getting the message about the degradation of the planet and the need to save resources, like.... water.:laughings:

Seriously, a few short years ago, the water levels in Sydney were so low that if people found out you were shaving in the shower, they'd likely report you to the authorities for wasting water.

A whole lot of agonising over something that's just not that hard/time consuming. Never got the angst over shaving.

(after shower / blade & foamy stuff / 2 minutes)
In my clean-shaven part of the year, I only shave once per week anyways. I've always taken way too long of showers, so I've probably single-handedly parched several drought-stricken towns in my lifetime.
If you're shaving in the shower, the water is running at full (shower) strength, so you're still wasting water - you're not washing at the same time, and I doubt you're moving around much to rinse while shaving at the same time.
Seriously, a few short years ago, the water levels in Sydney were so low that if people found out you were shaving in the shower, they'd likely report you to the authorities for wasting water.

Yeah, but seriously though, how's somebody gonna see you commit that social indiscretion? Only if you invited them into the shower, right? You get no sympathy from me.
Good to see you "shave in the shower" guys are getting the message about the degradation of the planet and the need to save resources, like.... water.:laughings:

Seriously, a few short years ago, the water levels in Sydney were so low that if people found out you were shaving in the shower, they'd likely report you to the authorities for wasting water.

A whole lot of agonising over something that's just not that hard/time consuming. Never got the angst over shaving.

(after shower / blade & foamy stuff / 2 minutes)

We were on severe water rationing for several years when I first got here and I still managed to fit the shaving into statutory 4 minute shower under a low flow shower head.
We were on severe water rationing for several years when I first got here and I still managed to fit the shaving into statutory 4 minute shower under a low flow shower head.

That did leave him, on occasion, with a mild case of monkey bum.
We were on severe water rationing for several years when I first got here and I still managed to fit the shaving into statutory 4 minute shower under a low flow shower head.

4 minutes, including shave?!? Jeez, it takes me that long to just get the water up to temperature!
Seeker of Rock...that sounds so familiar, but I can't place it.

Do I know you?