How many bad songs do you have to write before you write a good one?

Honestly I really am dying to hear one of these barry c perfectly constructed high art songs.

I'll give him the benefit of the doubt. Maybe he does write good *to him* songs. That's all that really matters. No one has to like them but he himself. But I think he's just playing the internet anti-hero. He doesn't write, play, or record. He just talks shit to those that do.
Hahaha. This thread cheered me up no end after the shittest week in my history.

I smell a monthly melt down coming very soon.....
I'll give him the benefit of the doubt. Maybe he does write good *to him* songs. That's all that really matters. No one has to like them but he himself. But I think he's just playing the internet anti-hero. He doesn't write, play, or record. He just talks shit to those that do.

Writing songs is not easy. There is writing them where you are the artist, the band etc, where really, they can pretty much write whatever they want. It's another thing writing songs that another artist might want to record, or a song that would be picked up by a publisher and maybe recorded by another artist. Much different. One is not better than the other, but alot more knowledges of songwriting fundamentals is needed in the latter.

Nobody has to listen, it's not like anybody is here to learn anything, thats just crazy. Everybody here has it all figured out
I'll give him the benefit of the doubt. Maybe he does write good *to him* songs. That's all that really matters. No one has to like them but he himself. But I think he's just playing the internet anti-hero. He doesn't write, play, or record. He just talks shit to those that do.

I'll bet I'd dig his stuff if it was real - I like these underdog/lone gunman types... but even if he did post something, there's just no way it could possibly live up to all the master craft high art talk.
I'll bet I'd dig his stuff if it was real - I like these underdog/lone gunman types... but even if he did post something, there's just no way it could possibly live up to all the master craft high art talk.
Like a movie that everyone said was the greatest thing, only to be a good movie but disappoints.
I'll bet I'd dig his stuff if it was real - I like these underdog/lone gunman types... but even if he did post something, there's just no way it could possibly live up to all the master craft high art talk.

Never used the words I and Master craft high cart in the same sentence.

I don't think ive reached greatness, im pretty good. That doesn't mean I don't know anything either. Gotta see the bullseye to hit it
I don't think ive reached greatness, im pretty good. That doesn't mean I don't know anything either.

I believe ya. Post some clips man, I wanna hear what you do. I'll be fair, or even abstain from commentary altogether if you prefer.
You guys begging to hear his shit is what he wants. Attention.

And your links to where somebody can buy your cd is on MY profile? oh no, yours. Everytime you stick your head in a thread you
are posting an ad, and IMMM looking for attention! lol

I have 2 eps of acoustic already out, nobody here wants to hear that, this entire forum is metal. ANd, Im working on doing fully produced pop/stuff
only have rough demos, which is what brought me her ein the first place. My next EP alows a bit more cheese, after Im done with this I might do a blues album.

But keep spreading that link! :thumbs up:
Thats because Barry C, didnt invent what a great crafted song is.
fair enough ....... but no one else has either.
There are no rules about what makes a well-crafted song as far as I know.
At least I've never seen them ...... for music rules there are definitely sources that will state what's correct and what's wrong but when it comes to songwriting, I've never seen anything but personal opinions.
And even you have never stated what specific requirements there are ...... just examples of what you consider to be well crafted tunes.

Let's have 'em ..... either a list of requirements or the sources you go by that specifically lay out such rules.
And your links to where somebody can buy your cd is on MY profile? oh no, yours. Everytime you stick your head in a thread you
are posting an ad, and IMMM looking for attention! lol
one thing I know for sure is that Greg doesn't care the least little bit about attention nor does he crave comments on his tunes.
Every single cent he gets goes to a childrens' charity and he tries to raise money for that charity in various ways including posting his link to hopefully make some sales and thus, more money for the kids.
For him it's about the kids ...... I can guaruntee you that his link has zero to do with wanting attention or clicks.
And this forum is hardly all metal but that's a different subject.
one thing I know for sure is that Greg doesn't care the least little bit about attention nor does he crave comments on his tunes.
Every single cent he gets goes to a childrens' charity and he tries to raise money for that charity in various ways including posting his link to hopefully make some sales and thus, more money for the kids.
For him it's about the kids ...... I can guaruntee you that his link has zero to do with wanting attention or clicks.
And this forum is hardly all metal but that's a different subject.

Oh, attention. Got it!