cleaning recording heads and playback heads


New member
so ive been looking around and i cant seem to find the answer and i really really need to know how to clean my deck so if anyone has the answer please reply
years ago a high-end stereo store owner told me to forget the commercial tape head cleaning products ... use VODKA with a Qtip. :cool: It will clean the gunk, sterilize and leave no residues.

Tape Head demagnetization is an art. The cassette form is useless. The magic wand version works, but can also do damage if used improperly.
Rubbing alcohol and Q-tips always worked for me. Just dip the tip and rub the heads lightly until the gunk is gone. If the heads are really dirty you may need to repeat the process a couple of times. Be sure the heads are dry before using the deck again. You can buy head cleaning "tapes" but they can contain abrasives which will wear the heads and possibly cause damage.
years ago a high-end stereo store owner told me to forget the commercial tape head cleaning products ... use VODKA with a Qtip. :cool: It will clean the gunk, sterilize and leave no residues.

Tape Head demagnetization is an art. The cassette form is useless. The magic wand version works, but can also do damage if used improperly.

I don't believe the vodka thing. There has to be some residue. Besides, on a per-ounce basis vodka is WAY more expensive than alcohol. Bad advice, period.

Demagging is no big deal. Use a GOOD device like a Han-D-Mag, move slowly, and don't unplug it near the deck.
Best practice is to use pure isopropyl alcohol, not rubbing alcohol. In a pinch, you can use rubbing alcohol, but I would recommend using swabs to dry also, because ordinary rubbing alcohol also leaves a residue.


Rubbing alcohol is Isopropyl alcohol, usualy a 70% solution. It may also contain Glycerin and mint (the green stuff usualy has wintergreen) so check the label to be sure its plain Isopropyl. Drying the heads is a good idea and surely wont hurt anything. Do clean the heads frequently, it's surprising how fast residue from tape will build up on the heads.