She's 12


King of Bling
...and she sings a little.

This is a tune my daughter (Jaimee) recorded about an hour ago.

BEFORE YOU LISTEN, keep a couple of things in mind:

1. She's 12;
2. She's singing AND playing the guitar at the same time;
3. We did 2 takes, and this is the first... (no edits); and
4. She has no idea I'm posting this.

All I did was put the mic in front of her, and then added some reverb (and some hiss???) I'm going to let her read your comments, so if you could...please tell her which lines YOU would re-do if this were yours. In other words, tell her where she's flat, and where her dad let the vocal distort... She wants to learn.

(oh yeah, and NO FLAMING!!!...foul language is permissible, though)

Tune is called "Lorraine"

that was great! sounds like she has loads of talent.. great for any age.. man she can really belt it out.. :D

She's not 12! She's not, not, not.

(I'm in the featle position now... maybe I'm 12)

American Pop Idol 2!

Jaimee, don't get a big head, always remember your roots, keep it real, don't compromise, and for god's sake don't let puberty effect your voice. And most of all, listen to your father, for he is about to take you around to record companies in hopes of making it big and living out his dreams of stardom vicariously through you.




ps- "she sings a little" gimme a break!
wow she sounds great. and im ignoring the fact shes only 12. very nice vocal range. soft and beutiful when it needs to be and strong and loud. very nice, and besides she has a good influence in her dad who is also a very accomplished musician. keep it up it sounds great. thanks for sharing. tim
i got chills here......DAAAAAAAAAAMN! dude take her out of school now and head for NY or LA......the feel, the soul, the dynamics,

Jaimee, sweetie, you have an awesome voice.....always keep the music coming from the heart, no matter where it takes you......
and i just listened to the original and you blew it away....

btw, if you are headed for NY or LA and need some originals, im a helluva songwriter.....:D
Damn.(you gave permission to curse).This is excellent.You need to groom her into the next big thing man.....I dont have any mix comments..Im sure you know exactly what needs fixing.;)
She has a strong voice man and if thats her strumming and singing she has a good strumming hand too.......just dont let her catch the bug of wanting to play in those smoky ass bars at an early age....when she gets ready to do something pick and choose the gigs that dont involve a bunch of drunks and smoked filled bars......oh well,you may not want her to do anything with her talent,but I dont think you would be able to deny her pursuit of it if she really wants it.
Im through rambling very proud dude.
btw, chris,

if you are gonna produce this new (soon to be)teen-sensation, you have to know that you dont re-do lines in a take that good.....
STAR SEARCH baby, yeah. If she every says anything about quiting music, spank her little butt.

This is super. Do more.

great voice......great guitar playing for 12 years i wish i started playing then........the vocals have great range and great power........chris, i assumed that you were the talented one in the family, but now i'm starting to think otherwise....also, this is particularly awesome for a single take.............
really great.

good she gets older she'll learn to be even more "natural" with it. but she sounds great.

most impressive to me is the guitar playing...

most 12 year olds male or female don't have that kind of dexterity or rhythm.

great stuff,

66 views to the thread and only 8 guys better give this girl her props....I know where you live...........
Gidge said:
chris, fess up....

thats jamal singing and pitch shifted up 25%......:D

are you kidding me??? have you heard me????..i need quite a bit more than pitch shift to sound this good.....:D
I have to admit, I'm actually kind of blown away by your response, friends. Jaimee's asleep, and she doesn't know I posted this, so your comments will make the innevitable "DAD, I CAN'T BELIEVE YOU DID THAT" much less grating on me tomorrow.

B.SABBATH - hehehehe.."whew," was kind of my initial reaction to your post... since we have "history" and stuff. Very cool of you to listen and reply. (whew) :D :D :D

jjtcorsair - she's 12 all right (going on 20 at times). SSSHHHHhhhhhhhh on the 'record company' thing... hehehe. It's a dirty business, and I figure if she's still interested when she's old enough to vote, she'll have plenty of time to pursue her dream. I do think it needs to be HER dream... "Stage Parents" kinda' make me ill. :D Personally, I'm pushing for veterinary school, but I encourage her love of music at every turn. THANK YOU.

Flash2ace - Tim...your comments are gonna' make her feel great. Thanks.

GIDGE - Your 3 posts mean more to me as a proud parent than you can imagine. Seriously, I can tell that this kind of "affected" you, in a good way, and I'm absolutely STOKED to see Jaimee get that kind of response, because (as we ALL know), it's not an easy thing to move people. She will DIE when she reads your words. Thanks a ton.

KRAMER - It's funny, up until she was 5, Jaimee endured more sound checks and loud bars than any 3 college students I know. She's actually got a pretty level head, but your words aren't going to help me keep it appropriately deflated. :D :D :D Thank you very much. She'll respond later. And yeah, that's her playing. She started banging around on my acoustics until I (finally) bought her one when she was 5.

dtb - you know all about kids and music, right? Setting up guitars for 'em and all... I appreciate your post a lot. I think she's been adequately "bitten" by the music bug, so I don't think I'll be having to discipline her (for that) anytime soon. Thanks.

powderfinger - I tell people that I think she's talented, but I'm her dad, so it means nothing. I'll just go ahead and frame your quote for future reference. THANKS

wes480 - She'll love reading the guitar nod. In the last year, she's started some improvising with solos (just pentatonic for the most part) and I think it's actually helped her rhythm playing. She doesn't practice the guitar like she does other instruments (viola... *yawn*), but the guitar's supposed to be fun, right? Thanks.

fenderlikingood - your lack of words speak volumes man. THANK YA'LL.

(tell her she's flat, and where) :D :D :D

bye, and thanks a ton,
She'll NEVER make it in the music bizz....

she's WAY too talented

production companies would go on strike, they'd have nothing to do

antares would go out of business, as you wouldnt buy their autotuner

the lip synch tape runner would be out of a job

the choreographer would get fired, cuz theyd go to see her SING not dance
Gidge said:
chris, fess up....

thats jamal singing and pitch shifted up 25%......:D

That was very VERY funny. Interestingly, probably the only tune I've done in the past 2 months that I DIDN'T collaborrate with JB on, but don't think he didn't try to horn in on this one with some flange riffs.

(oh yeah, and probably 50 of the views were me :D)
aaah ... nothing like good intonation to a tired ear :) ... other then lack of maturity in the voice and sounding so unfitting for the song, it's perfect ... :D ... man, she hits them notes good ... I like that cheese too ... it's not sweet though it's kind of bitter ... oh wait is this about cheese ... ? :D nice reverb