First Look - MXL Genesis vs MXL 960

Harvey Gerst

New member
I'm happy to report that the Genesis and 960 are very different on the inside.

Different circuit boards, components, tube mount, and build style.

Yes, the headbasket, body shell, and end assemblies are identical between the Genesis and 960, but I'd do exactly the same thing if I were MXL.

I'll be getting into the capsules later today, but from the outside, at a quick glance, I think they are slightly different.

And yes, pictures will be coming.

So, after a quick look-see, my first impression is that the outsides are identical, but inside, it's a whole 'nother story.
I'm happy to report that the Genesis and 960 are very different on the inside.

That's good to hear. Aesthically speaking, I think it's a pretty sharp looking mic.

I can hear the conversation now...
Hot girl singer: Oooh, that mic is so big and red.
Audio guy: I'll show you its big brother later. :D <--the audio guy's shit-eating grin, not mine.

Mullet-donning metal head

You're taking that Sphincter Stain idea a bit far, no?
I'm happy to report that the Genesis and 960 are very different on the inside.

Different circuit boards, components, tube mount, and build style.

Yes, the headbasket, body shell, and end assemblies are identical between the Genesis and 960, but I'd do exactly the same thing if I were MXL.

I'll be getting into the capsules later today, but from the outside, at a quick glance, I think they are slightly different.

And yes, pictures will be coming.

So, after a quick look-see, my first impression is that the outsides are identical, but inside, it's a whole 'nother story.

Thank God! Not that the 960 is a bad mic! It's a good mic. I just would have hated to see them rebadge something and pawn it off as a different mic.

Is the Genesis transformer based?
Thanks for the report, Harvey!

Wish MXL had kept the 960... but I guess using the same shell and basket would have made the 960 and Genesis seem too similar, at least on the outside.
Read this on a product description for it:

"Genesis will be supplied with a power supply, heavy-duty shockmount, and Mogami mic and tube cables housed in a high-quality flight case.

What's a "tube cable?"
is there a tube mic

that's not?

There are many.

MXL 960

All of the Neumann TLM line

Some from sE are dual tube or use the other half of a dual triode for impedance conversion.

Just because it has a tube doesn't mean it has a transformer. Just like some FET mics. Some have transformers, some don't.
What's a "tube cable?"

It's a multi strand cable with at least 5 wires. It carries the audio signal from the microphone as well as delivers the grid and filament voltages to the tube from the power supply. In some mics there is also a supply line for the pattern control voltage.
Well, it didn't come in a flight case, but this was in the box:

That's a pain in the ass. I bought my AKG Solidtube off of someone on Ebay and they sent it without a case. Not good. However, I finally bought a case for it this summer from this place.

These Hardigg cases are tight and waterproof. Plus they come with cubed foam and it was really easy to get the mic to sit in there snug and protected. The deeper cases have two levels of foam so you can have some control over the depth of the hole. There are plenty of sizes. You just have to figure out what you want to put in the case, then play around laying it out and find the case that will fit best. And this place sells these cases cheaper than any other place I could find.

BTW, I've seen these same cases on audio sites for quite a bit more.
That's a pain in the ass. I bought my AKG Solidtube off of someone on Ebay and they sent it without a case. Not good. However, I finally bought a case for it this summer.
I think that's the holdup; the metal cases they planned on haven't arrived yet.
Harvey, that mic sure looks pretty and the shock mount with the integrated wind screen looks pretty cool.. I don't think that I've seen anything like that before. Pretty good idea.
Harvey, that mic sure looks pretty and the shock mount with the integrated wind screen looks pretty cool.. I don't think that I've seen anything like that before. Pretty good idea.

At least one Neumann comes with that feature?