Olympics Thread

I grew up during the end of the cold war. Reagan's 80s were still very commie sensitive. I still like to use that term because I think it's funny how people react to it. It's so dated and stupid, I find it very funny, especially when you stick a "pinko" at the front of it. Pinko commie. Hilarious.

It just sounds so paranoid hearing that term now! What was a "pinko" I've heard the term but can't remember.
It just sounds so paranoid hearing that term now! What was a "pinko" I've heard the term but can't remember.

A pinko was basically a frilly commie sympathizer that liked to talk the talk but didn't quite go all-in on communism. Pink being a lighter shade of red, a pinko is not quite full commie. Kind of like a hippie poser. Pinko Commie is sort of a redundant phrase. I think it's so funny.
I've been fairly impressed with Australia's showing. Maybe not in medals, but it seems there's always an Aussie in the hunt. I always root for the US first obviously, but if we're not a factor, I root for the english speakers. Aus, GB, Canada - if you're a western country and speak english I'll cheer you on. After that I'll root for other euro countries that don't speak english, but they're still a western society type place, like Germany, France, the Swiss, Holland, etc. Under no circumstances do I root for Asians, middle easterns, africans, south americans, or commies.

Same. Anytime any Western country beats Russia/China/North Korea I'm like "Hell yea freedom! Suck it Commies!" Russia and Putin will always be the Soviets to me lol
I was watching the men's 10000m yesterday and towards the end the leaders were lapping the laggards with one or two laps to run (25 x 400m), and one of the laggards was an Australian, and I must admit, in a moment of great uncharity, I thought "Why are you here?"

In what world, if you're being lapped in the one event you're in, are you ever going to be a contender? Now if he'd come from some third world country where this is a huge achievement and the road out of poverty for himself and his family and entire village, no problems whatsoever, but from Australia I'm just thinking, can't we spend whatever portion of the taxpayer's dollar makes its way to you on someone with a bit more of a chance? Some other event perhaps if we don't have any good long distance runners right now?

I googled him. He came 28th, he's 35 years old. Pal, the dream is over. Get a job.

What in holy hell is this? Some weird kneeling down canoe race? WTF?

Lol dude I saw a sport today called "dressage" where a rider and horse dance to a song. We can't have baseball be an Olympic sport obviously but we can have freaking DANCING HORSE competitions.
Volleyball, too. The chicks are hot but they are super competitive athletes. And the indoor mean's team are INSANE! Dudes are freaking beasts.
I think they could add this as a new Olympic sport...I mean it takes some athletic skill to dodge the crowd, the buses, and the intersection traffic while at the same time executing a clean grab-n-jerk and smooth getaway.
The point structure could be based on what you managed to steel...gold necklace, 5 points...wallet 10 point...purse 15 points...complete backpack 20 points.

The guys stealing by jumping up to the bus window would get an additional 5 bonus points for anything stolen.
