Indictments in three separate cases - and a fourth one likely

Lol - I'm not a Republican. I'm an atheist registered NPA who thinks "Under God" needs to be removed from the Pledge of Allegiance (it was only shoehorned in as McCarthyist propaganda) and who supports first trimester abortion rights.

I say Trump was superior to Biden because the objective evidence supports it. My criteria is making the US more prosperous and secure.

- Name five "Biden" policies that have specifically been aimed at strengthening the economic engine of the US and made the US more prosperous and secure, specifically how they've done so and how they're superior to Trump policies?

Note: Killing thousands of Keystone pipeline jobs as a week one priority wouldn't be an example of making America more prosperous. Allowing hordes of medically and criminally unvetted illegals, er, I mean "asylum seekers" across the border and bringing them to US cities isn't an example of priorities that make America safer for US citizens.

- What do you think should be the main priority for allowing immigrants in?
- How do you feel about DEI measures?
- How do you feel about dudes in skirts being allowed to compete in women's sports? Another one of Biden's week one EOs was related to that.
- How do you feel about Biden getting his own son off the hook on a drug arrest when he was much more loudly telling everyone else that "drug users need to be held accountable"?
- How do you feel about Kamala withholding exculpatory evidence as a prosecutor and not even trying to deny it when Tulsi Gabbard called her on it?
- What do you think about Biden limiting nominations for VP and the SCOTUS to black women?
- What do you think of that same SCOTUS nominee who he and the press referred to as a woman claiming she can't give a definition of what a woman is? Then there's the issue of her having a soft spot for pedophiles.
- What are your thoughts on Karine Jean-Pierre?
- How do you feel about the "Biden" admin's border policy?

Okay. Sorry, a Non-Republican, Atheist, Registered NPA, Transphobe, Racist... did I miss anything?
This is crazy talk. How am I an extreme-left proponent because I am not a Chump lover? I proudly proclaim that the Election that Chump won in 2016 was only due to the circus sideshow of Candidates. It was the first time in my life that I didn't even vote. It was a joke. That Donald Chump and Hilary Clinton were the "best" America had to offer? I also know that the latest Election in 2020 was won (not on hate, you're the one preaching hate dude) and would have been won, even if Hilary ran again by anybody, anybody who wasn't Chump. Because Chump was the WORST President (the biggest laughingstock to anyone outside of America) in OUR lifetime. Bernie could have been Elected.
I can only imagine rational humans voting Biden because they are in love with him. But since you say yourself that no-one "loves" Biden, therefore I can only see an extreme hate for "the orange one" as being the motivation behind supposedly 81 million voting for him.

Oh, and you better revoke that statement.
you're the one preaching hate dude
Or justify it. You're making yourself the biggest laughingstock to anyone on this forum.
You're justifying it yourself. I might be a laugingstock, but only to the deluded orange people here, which doesn't bother me. Not sure what your facepalming... dude pointed out exactly what he was in his post. He bullet-pointed it.
Anything wrong?
So you're Christian?
Registered NPA
Well, you're not registered Democrat. Are you Republican after all?
Of course! He's afraid the ex-dudes will run faster than the chicks!
Biden is racist, he excluded the possibility of whites in VP and SCOTUS positions! Oh wait, he's white himself, and should resign because he isn't eligible to office as per his own rules!



Get it now?
Dude... me correcting myself from originally calling him a Republican by saying what he called himself a "Non-Republican, Atheist, Registered NPA, Transphobe, Racist" does not then in turn make me the opposite of what he has pointed out that he is... your logic is failing you.

Perhaps that failed logic is why you're slapping yourself in the face?

Joe said, "IF you don't vote for me, you ain't black."
Trump never said, "IF you don't vote for me, you ain't orange."

IF your boy Joe said that... is he wrong? Can you find any rational reason why a Black person would want Chump or any other ROP candidate in office when they so obviously hate Black (Brown/Jewish/Non-CIS White) people?
Dude... me correcting myself from originally calling him a Republican by saying what he called himself a "Non-Republican, Atheist, Registered NPA, Transphobe, Racist" does not then in turn make me the opposite of what he has pointed out that he is... your logic is failing you.
Not at all.
IF your boy Joe said that... is he wrong? Can you find any rational reason why a Black person would want Chump or any other ROP candidate in office when they so obviously hate Black (Brown/Jewish/Non-CIS White) people?
Well... if all black people in the US (including children) voted Biden, then that accounts for about half of those that reportedly voted for him.

Hating is different from not-associating-with-ism and also different from ensuring the safety of his own country.

Can you think of any reason someone would vote for a white, Catholic, "cis" candidate if they were
Black (Brown/Jewish/Non-CIS White)
Can you think of any reason someone would vote for a white, Catholic, "cis" candidate if they were "Black (Brown/Jewish/Non-CIS White)"

Yes. The number one reason would be because regardless of race/religion/gender/sexuality that candidate doesn't discriminate against them. The GOP wants to lynch/deport/imprison/take away rights to anyone that isn't white\christian\rich. It's funny that you can tell exactly what type of person you guys all are in here just on a single post. You bring up "issues" that aren't even issues, or have any affect what-so-ever over your lives and make them the main target of whatever you're trying to gang up on. Gay people won't hurt you guys... Brown people aren't going to rub off on you. Not every woman wants to have sex with you. Chump is not your friend. You might all be middle-aged/senior white males, but you're not rich... and even if you were... you're not pals, and never will be.
Yes. The number one reason would be because regardless of race/religion/gender/sexuality that candidate doesn't discriminate against them. The GOP wants to lynch/deport/imprison/take away rights to anyone that isn't white\christian\rich. It's funny that you can tell exactly what type of person you guys all are in here just on a single post. You bring up "issues" that aren't even issues, or have any affect what-so-ever over your lives and make them the main target of whatever you're trying to gang up on. Gay people won't hurt you guys... Brown people aren't going to rub off on you. Not every woman wants to have sex with you. Chump is not your friend. You might all be middle-aged/senior white males, but you're not rich... and even if you were... you're not pals, and never will be.
Ah... so...
If it is important to limit candidates to black women, then it certainly seems that simply being a white man is a threat to black women.
The Catholic Church unilaterally teaches that expressing gay behavior is evil. Also that abortion is evil. Also that euthanasia is evil. For Biden to claim he is Catholic and yet be head of The party responsible for the expansion of exactly opposite policies shows that he is in fact opposed to true diversity, where people actually hold to their own individuality NOT that of others. And not in a detrimental way. I would rather be ruled by Charles Manson than by someone who doesn't act on what he claims to be his own principles.
You're not being discriminated against if you do your thing in your partner's basement. There is no need for schools to teach young children to do it, or to display LGBTQ+ flags, or for there to be "Pride parades" in every town during the month of June.
You're a lost cause man. Gone. It's over. You're in too deep. The Catholic Church is a Christian Church. It's also a good thing that there is a separation of Church/State, no? GOP doesn't want that though, does it? It wants Church=State... as long as the Church is their Church. Since I already know you're a fucking idiot by trying to take my words and make them mean something they aren't... I'm done talking to you. That being said... you're the dude in a thread about Chump trying to take control of America by having a bunch of rednecks storm the capital and trying to turn it into some weird "Anti-Biden" thread, obviously...
I just finished reading this most recent Jan 6th related indictment. And it is scathing.

Can be found here for those interested in seeing the contents:

This is another remarkable fact about this most recent of his three indictments: The special counsel's case is built on the under-oath testimony of pro-Trump Republicans - almost exclusively.

On Tuesday, special counsel Jack Smith unsealed his latest criminal indictment of Donald Trump, and like the first indictment he filed against the former president, over his handling of classified documents, it was made up of hundreds of hours of grand jury testimony given by Republican witnesses, many of them former members of Trump's administration.

Trump and his political allies have attacked the indictment as being politically motivated, and the old legal adage that a prosecutor can convince a grand jury to "indict a ham sandwich" should give Americans some pause about whether Smith will be able to obtain guilty verdicts in this case. But as with the House Jan. 6 committee's final report on the insurrection at the U.S. Capitol, Tuesday's indictment is notable in that the evidence of criminal activity comes almost exclusively from Republicans sympathetic to Trump who testified under oath.
You're a lost cause man. Gone. It's over. You're in too deep. The Catholic Church is a Christian Church.
I wonder what you're trying to say.
It's also a good thing that there is a separation of Church/State, no?
Originally, that meant that the State had no say over its people's religion, not vice versa.
GOP doesn't want that though, does it?
If you want to put it that way, then Democrats want voters' responsibility to be nominal only. Because ultimately, it is of no importance what the President believes because he'll let the people have their way. Lol.

Okay. Sorry, a Non-Republican, Atheist, Registered NPA, Transphobe, Racist... did I miss anything?
You completely missed directly answering any of the points I raised while substituting bullshit - surely it can't be because you don't *have* any good answers and are only capable of spouting the DemLeftist script you were handed which always involves "racist/racism" and other words that end in "ist" and "phobe".

You say not liking Trump doesn't make you a Demleftist but that's the exact species you're walking and quacking like.

- What do you think should be the main priority for allowing immigrants in?
- How do you feel about DEI measures?
- How do you feel about dudes in skirts being allowed to compete in women's sports? Another one of Biden's week one EOs was related to that.
- How do you feel about Biden getting his own son off the hook on a drug arrest when he was much more loudly telling everyone else that "drug users need to be held accountable"?
- How do you feel about Kamala withholding exculpatory evidence as a prosecutor and not even trying to deny it when Tulsi Gabbard called her on it?
- What do you think about Biden limiting nominations for VP and the SCOTUS to black women?
- What do you think of that same SCOTUS nominee who he and the press referred to as a woman claiming she can't give a definition of what a woman is? Then there's the issue of her having a soft spot for pedophiles.
- What are your thoughts on Karine Jean-Pierre?
- How do you feel about the "Biden" admin's border policy?
The GOP wants to lynch/deport/imprison/take away rights to anyone that isn't white\christian\rich.
Really? The GOP wants to do all of those nasty things to Americans? Especially the imprisoning. Have you not noticed that Biden (or whomever controls old Joe) is proactively pursuing and orchestrating all efforts to imprison Donald Trump in order to remove Trump forever and prevent Trump to become the 2024 nominee? Vladimir Putin imprisoned the most viable of his poltitical opponents, and as yesterday, Vladimir Putin tacked on an additional 19 years of imprisonment to his opponent.

Biden (or whomever) is channeling Vlad. And for some reason, assume it that the MAJORITY of Americans are imbiciles.

Wrong assumption.
Really? The GOP wants to do all of those nasty things to Americans? Especially the imprisoning. Have you not noticed that Biden (or whomever controls old Joe) is proactively pursuing and orchestrating all efforts to imprison Donald Trump in order to remove Trump forever and prevent Trump to become the 2024 nominee? Vladimir Putin imprisoned the most viable of his poltitical opponents, and as yesterday, Vladimir Putin tacked on an additional 19 years of imprisonment to his opponent.

Biden (or whomever) is channeling Vlad. And for some reason, assume it that the MAJORITY of Americans are imbiciles.

Wrong assumption.
All of Trump's legal issues are completely and utterly self inflicted.
All of Trump's legal issues are completely and utterly self inflicted.
At some point in the future will YOU admit it to yourself that Joe and Hunter's legal issues are also self inflicted at such time when father and son are both charged with corruption and possibly treason? Think about that one word ....treason. It perfectly describes the father and son relationship when Joe was VP. Nonetheless has changed. Their behavior remains the same. You should read the email exchanges between Hunter and Archer, but I seriously doubt that you will read them or ever begin to completely understand it that Joe Biden's Presidency is unraveling simply because he loves his son, unconditionally, and possibly ignoring it that his beloved son cares more about himself. The Biden world is crumbling. Their lies and deceipts have been exposed to the America people.
In the meantime, Kamala Harris is salivating, awaiting her moment to rise to ultimate power.
At some point in the future will YOU admit it to yourself that Joe and Hunter's legal issues are also self inflicted at such time when father and son are both charged with corruption and possibly treason? Think about that one word ....treason. It perfectly describes the father and son relationship when Joe was VP. Nonetheless has changed. Their behavior remains the same. You should read the email exchanges between Hunter and Archer, but I seriously doubt that you will read them or ever begin to completely understand it that Joe Biden's Presidency is unraveling simply because he loves his son, unconditionally, and possibly ignoring it that his beloved son cares more about himself. The Biden world is crumbling. Their lies and deceipts have been exposed to the America people.
In the meantime, Kamala Harris is salivating, awaiting her moment to rise to ultimate power.
If the Bidens did anything wrong I won't give a shit if they are indicted/convicted.
Go ahead and get it done.