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  1. S

    What would you do?

    I have a band that I'm about to record a full length album for. They are a very good band and I've worked with them before and generally like the guys in the band. However one member in the band has posted some really racist stuff on his Facebook page and it makes me uncomfortable. I know I...
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    Recording a cover song?

    I have a band that I'm recording next month and they asked if they could add a cover song to their album. I explained to them the legalities and I have a feeling that they're gonna wanna record it any way. My question is if anyone knows, am I liable in anyway for recording a cover song for them...
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    Not sure this is the proper place for this question, but it's about tracking. For those who have house amps and or drums for people who come in with not so great gear, are you charging them for use of this gear or is it hidden in your base/hourly rate?
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    PC compression?

    Ok I have my mix sounding how I want, I've mix down to CD and everything sounds good in my car and on home stereo. But as soon as I upload to my pic, my mixes sound squashed to hell. What is going on here?
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    Equipment Failures

    Did a recording session demo where halfway though the first song the drummer knocked the snares off. We finished the take cause it was a good one and started the second song when he realized his snares were off...hard to tell with piccolo snare. Would you guys feel obligated to give them a...
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    Direct to tape input?

    I have been recording for about 14 years now and I'm still learning new stuff as I'm going along. My question here is I have a Mackie 32.8 analog console and for years I have been using outboard tube pre's for vocal recording going into the line ins of the Mackie, just like all of us we get to...
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    Word clock on outboard gear?

    Hey, I got lucky on ebay this past week and got a brand new never used TC Electronic M-One Reverb unit, well anyway it has an option for using it's internal clock or external clock. I have a word clock generator that I use for my recorders and I was wondering if there's a benefit to using the...
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    Drums opinions please

    Here's a unfinished song for a band I'm working on. The guitars and bass are scratch tracks. But let me give you a rundown of the drum tracking process. Kick-Audix D6 Snare Top- Audix i5 Snare Bottom-Samson QSnare Racktom 1 Top- Sennheiser e604 Racktom 1 Bottom- Samson QTom Racktom 2 Top-...
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    Inserts & patchbays

    What's the best way to connect my insert connections to patchbay so i can use the patchbay instead of hooking compressors to the back of my console?
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    SSL console...honestly???

    OK...We all know many great recordings have been made on these great boards and I'm not doubting that, and we all who have not had the privilege to have worked with one. this question is for those who have worked on an ssl console, the ssl outboard 500 series strereo compressor, eq and channel...
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    Equipment heat

    I have a rather large studio set up in a really small room, just for a little while. I am recording a click track and guitar scratch tracks for for songs. but the heat generated from all the gear is more than that small room can handle. what are you guys doing for heat management?
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    hip hop sample cds

    i see alot of sample cd's being sold on ebay for the triton and other question is has anyone ever tried any of these and if so what do you think? and i am not new to using keyboard workstations as far as sequencing...however i have never dove into putting new sounds into my...
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    sample cds

    i see alot of sample cd's being sold on ebay for the triton and other question is has anyone ever tried any of these and if so what do you think? and i am not new to using keyboard workstations as far as sequencing...however i have never dove into putting new sounds into my...
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    just checking

    just checking to see if loading pics
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    korg triton????

    hey guys who do R&B, rap. i have a korg triton rack that i bought for my studio for producers to come in and write.....but i am curious as to do most of you use stock sounds or which expansion card do most of you guys use? as i want to have the best sounds for my clients to use.
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    Korg Triton ????

    hey guys who do R&B, rap. i have a korg triton rack that i bought for my studio for producers to come in and write.....but i am curious as to do most of you use stock sounds or which expansion card do most of you guys use? as i want to have the best sounds for my clients to use.
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    OT. keyboard repair

    i just wanted to tell peeps this....i have an alesis qs7 that i've had since 95 and the display went out on it because of a power surge i had in my house a month ago. well i call alesis and they were like "you're gonna have to send it to us because there are no authorized repair shops there...
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    rappers and money

    why is it everytime i have a rapper come to my studio and ask me to help him with some beats and stuff, as soon as i mention money they act like it was a surprise that i was gonna charge them? even my friends, i had a friend ask me to help him with some beats.....i told him all he has to do is...
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    Thomas Lang

    went to a Thomas Lang drum clinic last that dude is tough
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    i finally got to play my new zildjan zbt cymbals and i must say....they suck.