Help. Looking for Akai MK20J Tape Source


New member
Hi I just recently came by a beautiful Akai professional 12 track MG1214, but of corse it didn't come with tapes. I have read several threads about how hard these tapes are to come by, but I didn't want that to stop me. I have trolled ebay to no avail. I was wondering if any of you more experienced guys might know of a source or have some extra tapes you are willing to part with. I am pretty new to multi-tracking, so the loading tape in different shells options seems a little advanced to me. But erasing (degausing?) seems doable. Do you need a tape specific degauser, or are they pretty universal? I would really love to record my next project on this machine, so if there is anyone out there who can help me please let me know. Thanks
Akai MK20 tapes

Hi - I have some for sale if your still looking. I'm posting them on ebay soon but I know how rare these are so I wanted to check the forums to see if there we people looking for them first, but needless to say you'll need to reply fairly soonish or they'll probably be sold.

[btw if anyone else see's this post please don't email me in 3 years time asking]
The collector (otherwise known as gearslut) in me really wants one of those AKAI 12 tracks, because they are just so damn cool....

I cant find the tapes anywhere?? Where are they?
Why did you not contacted me first instead of putting them
on ebay? Off ebay you save their fees as well.

PLEASE let me know asap.

Best regards.

y s t p i e r r e 7 8 @ h o t m a i l . c o m
