your opinion on must haves on your home studios.....compressor?....cumputer? on

Nearfield monitors,

Without accurate monitoring,anything else you may have is pretty well useless because you don't know what your tracks and mixes really sound like,and getting your mixes to translate to a wide variety of playback systems is extremely difficult if not impossible without them.........
What kind of music are you recording? That info might help.

I'm still rather intrigued by the cumputer, i must admit...
I'm kind of a mic slut, so a decent mic is first on my list. But of course everything is only as good as its weakest link (goodbye!) so if your monitors, cables, FX stink, then that mic won't sound too hot either.
My (ahem!) expert opinion on what is necessary for a home studio!

A mic (the better, the better)

Another mic (preferably the same kind for stereo stuff)

Yet another mic (maybe a good vocal mic? Something different)

Cables and stands

A preamp or mixer with decent pres. (I have an Art Dual Tube MP and an Alesis Sudio 24 mixer.)

A decent compressor. (Really handy if your playing/singing skills aren't the greatest). I use the RNC.

A recording device, preferably a computer with a good prosumer recording soundcard. (You can't burn CD's with a cassette 4-track)

Recording software and effects (many cheap and free options out there.)

Nearfield monitors! They make a WORLD of difference when it comes to mic placement and mixing. Really!

I think that's about it. Add better mics, more pres, and better software and effects as the budget allows. :D

Take care,
  1. some sort of mic in a shockmount, the bigger the better
  2. lots of stuff with flashy lights, preferably rackmounted. No empty space in your rack either
  3. patchbays. Great to fill those empty rack spaces. Plug a bunch of multicolored cords in for added effect
  4. Monitor speakers with no grills...if they also have lights, so much the better
  5. foamy stuff to put on the walls
  6. track lighting...Lots of track lighting.
  7. some sort of computer program that does FFTs. FFT's always look impressive
  8. Jolt Cola
  9. A Harley Davidson, every studio should have one
  10. Pergo
  11. good locks
  12. and alarm, a pit bull, or both
  13. A comfy chair that rolls around on the pergo
  14. A couch
  15. candles, apparently
  16. Some sort of window, to protect you from the musicians
  17. money, actually this should be first
  18. A wife who puts up with all of this
Lots of coffee and a good coffee maker. Non-dairy creamer is good, but half-and-half is best if you can afford it. Black if you think you can handle it. And some good breath mints.
a decent mic
a decent preamp
a decent monitoring system
a decent recording medium
a bunch of ho's
purple carpet and green velvet furniture
painting of dogs shooting pool

these items also keep you from clearing your throat.....:rolleyes:
When it comes to minimum, computer. Can't do anything with a pair of monitors sitting on your desk unhooked to anything, right?

As long as you got a comp, you can have music going!

When did "talent" become a requirement? I think money and the understanding wife as mentioned above sum up the must haves, unless, of course, you are somebody's wife where then the money part is all that matters.
Second the delivering Liquor Store. If they deliver Chinese food at the same time, you know the Gods are with you.
