you guys like this?


New member
here is a song of mine i am proud of...

whady'all think of it?


no i don't believe the things you tell me
can't believe the things you say are really true
and i ask you, ask me what it is i've said to turn you
what you've learned seems far from here

do you really not hear me saying
do you really not have a choice
just as big as a hundred thousand
just as sure as i have a voice
no i won't accept placebos
no i won't accept your lies
i will not let you burn me

no i will not let you burn me
'cause i'm tired of rehearsing
the same old thing for a second time
and i'd really like to see you
even though i can't believe you
no i will not let you see my eyes

no i don't believe your way of getting even
you're just wrong
and i can't break through this grey façade
your mask protects you very well, it's always on

say what's wrong with you woman
is there something you won't say
yes your silence makes me crazy
and you're breaking me with pain
no i won't accept placebos
no i won't accept you lies
i will not let you burn me

no i will not let you burn me
'cause i'm tired of rehearsing
the same old thing for a second time
and i'd really like to see you
even though i can't believe you
no i will not let you see my eyes

no i will not let you burn me
'cause i'm tired of rehearsing
the same old thing for a second time
and i'd really like to see you
even though i can't believe you
no i will not let you see my eyes

Listen to the mp3:

thanks for the feedback..
good or bad, i really do appreciate it.

I really dig your music!
I have only one suggestion. The guitar work, vocals, mix, etc. are excellent. I wouldn't change a thing except the intro.....take out about 1:08, and a short piece between 2:23 and 2:40. I like the creativity overall, and either way it's a great song. Shortening it to 3:29 makes it a perfect contender to hit the charts. I really mean that. Your stuff is that good in my opinion.

Regarding the open mic..........I AINT FOLLOWING YOU! Your vocals really kick ass!

Yeah man,
I like this.....

I read the lyrics first....before I listened to the tracks...
I said to myself...
give it a chance...
ya never know until you hear them with music....

Pretty cool dude...
I agree that the intro is way too long...
This piece is also screaming for a more present lead guitar track....
I was jammin along myself....very cool...:D

Good luck with it man,
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here where you can hear some more

thanks for all the encouragement guys... y'all make me feel good about my work... i really mean that... thanks..

if you want to hear a bunch of my stuff goto: (my projects website)
and click on: music

thanks again for the support!
and if you are so inclined, tell some other people about the tunes.. as we all know.. word of mouth is the only way. :)

You really should post over in the mp3 clinic. Maybe put a few up on NWR. A lot of those guys don't come over here in the songwriting forum. This music needs to be heard!

btw...I noticed you didn't respond to my comment about open mic! Hmmmm.

dude... you can sing before or after me.. whatever you like.. as long as you come! i am looking forward to meeting you and hearing you play. it was very nice of you though to say that you dont want to play after me.. i humbly thank you for the props.

i will check out the mp3 clinic. thanks for the invite and again for the kinds words about my work.

cya soon,
I don't know how much snow you're gettin down there, but it's 6" here and snowin like you read about. I'm on top of Blue Mountain and we get a little more than the lower elevations. They're calling for a bunch more! I may still be diggin myself out come tuesday!!!

My 4WD is sittin at the bottom of the driveway sittin sideways where I tried to come up the drive a couple of hours ago. I'm sick of this white stuff!

yeah man.. let it snow... let it snow... let it snow...

i love it!!

its snowing here pretty good... it must be really nice way up in the mountains where you are. warrenton is where the mountains get started but its not hardcore in the hills like you are. i always love the world covered in white. Makes it seem like some other place for a little while.

Well Alex,
I just saw a report on tv that says we could get up to three friggin feet!!!
This guy says it could be still snowin come tuesday morning.
I have to agree about the fresh blanket of snow, but this is a little on the excessive side!
If they say three feet, that means I'll get four here!

Wish me luck!

just drove from arlington, va through the snow

i had a show tonight up in arlington virginia. normally about a 50 min ride from here. took me nearly 3 hours to get home in this crazy snow!! it was freaking scary.. but kind of fun too..

i am sure someone from like colordo or vermont somewhere is reading this saying what a wuss... :)

its now 4:30 am and I am beat.. off to bed I go.. 3 to 4 feet of snow eh?

wow... this is a big one!

Update from the MOUNTAIN,
We've got about 16" and it's snowin like you read about!! Near blizzard conditions.

I'm using this opportunity to shift things around in my cluttered shop to make way for the studio. I've got some tracking to do to get one project done and start another.

Come June or July, when this stuff melts, I'll be able to make it to the open mic!!

bd :D :D :D :(
I took several listens to this song. Very nice work. I only have a couple of comments.

"and i ask you, ask me what it is i've said to turn you
what you've learned seems far from here" loses me a little bit. I know in your writing you tend to get a little more abstract than my simple brain can handle sometimes ;) :D

Over all I'm looking for a little more concrete statement somewhere in there on what she's done to you or what you expect her to do again to burn you. I get that she's lied to you. I'm just not sure what she's trying to do to "get even" in the second verse. More lies maybe?

While I enjoyed the intro and instrumental breaks, if you try to pitch this song, they probably should be trimmed. I actually enjoyed them more after I heard the song a couple times. Probably because I am waiting to get to the meat of the song and it takes awhile. My experience with publishers is that they are even less patient than I am with that ;) :D.

There is a acoustic guitar riff at 2:08 - 2:19 that is sticking out for me. It sounds a little out of tune. However, I hear that same riff later and it sounds better. It's not terribly bad, but it just caught my ear. Most people outside here probably wouldn't even notice.

Very nice recording. I really look forward to hearing you post stuff. Even though I raised a couple of points above, I truly did enjoy the listen. Very nicely done. Good song, good recording, excellent voice for this style of music, good playing. Very solid.

As always I appreciate your thoughtful commentary on my song "Mask". In general I find your comments to be useful and I continue to thank you for them.

As to that little guitar line you pointed out in the bridge, I totally agree.. it doesnt feel quite right. I will remove it and replace it with the chorus that never got tracked. I will also loose the intro. I will work on it tonight and post a more mellow version ASAP.

Thanks again,
alexspetty said:

As always I appreciate your thoughtful commentary on my song "Mask". In general I find your comments to be useful and I continue to thank you for them.

As to that little guitar line you pointed out in the bridge, I totally agree.. it doesnt feel quite right. I will remove it and replace it with the chorus that never got tracked. I will also loose the intro. I will work on it tonight and post a more mellow version ASAP.

Thanks again,

hehe...speed demon. Some of you guys are really quick at this stuff :D

My wife and I may be moving to Tennessee... we are sick of being near DC and she has family in Knoxville.

How do you like living down there? From what Ive seen it's WAY cheaper down there which appeals to me. Does that seem true from your perspective, this sense that the cost of living is less than in the mid-atlantic states?

alexspetty said:

My wife and I may be moving to Tennessee... we are sick of being near DC and she has family in Knoxville.

How do you like living down there? From what Ive seen it's WAY cheaper down there which appeals to me. Does that seem true from your perspective, this sense that the cost of living is less than in the mid-atlantic states?


Well, I'm not sure what the cost of living is around there, but I'm guessing it's pretty high. Probably higher than the Chicago suburbs where we lived before moving down here. We lived along way out too. I would say it would be cheaper around here for housing (which is the majority of the cost of living consideration). How much cheaper depends on where you want to put down your stakes. We were originally living in the Antioch area just outside of Nashville when we first moved down here. That was a pretty inexpensive area, but you get the mixed bag you would expect living in a less expensive area. Shortly after receiving our first child :D, we moved out to Franklin. This is more expensive area, but the schools are better... With that it's still a slight bit cheaper than the far northwest suburbs of Chicago where we came from. So yeah, I would say it would be cheaper to live here. How much cheaper depends on where you want to live. Plus - no state income tax & low real estate taxes ;) (schools in the state are generally piss poor though).

Hope this helps. Let me know if you have any more questions. :)