Yamaha MG Inserts

Wouldn't it be easier to buy a TRS cable and push the damned thing in all the way on the insert and in the soundcard.

I mean if the insert on the mixer is MADE FOR SEND/RETURN if there isn't a return from the soundcard where in the hell is a return signal gonna come from?

I don't think you can screw up the soundcard or the mixer by using a TRS cable on a TS connection. Proove me wrong.
bigwillz24 said:
Wouldn't it be easier to buy a TRS cable and push the damned thing in all the way on the insert and in the soundcard.

I mean if the insert on the mixer is MADE FOR SEND/RETURN if there isn't a retrun from the soundcard where in the hell is a return signal gonna come from?

I don't think you can screw up the soundcard or the mixer by using a TRS cable. Proove me wrong.

A TRS cable would do the same thing as a TS cable pushed all the way in; it would give a direct out on the Tip and interrupt the signal going to the main/master buss...I think. ;)

It would also cost a smidge more with the TRS connectors on both ends. :)
bigwillz24 said:
Wouldn't it be easier to buy a TRS cable and push the damned thing in all the way on the insert and in the soundcard.

I mean if the insert on the mixer is MADE FOR SEND/RETURN if there isn't a return from the soundcard where in the hell is a return signal gonna come from?

I don't think you can screw up the soundcard or the mixer by using a TRS cable on a TS connection. Proove me wrong.
You could patch it up like that, but who the hell works that way? You'd have to arrange all your monitoring/phones from software, because your original recording inputs would have gone to the PC, to be replaced by whatever you've got your outputs set to in software!

I imagine I could do it like that, but it'd be bloody confusing!! :D:D

The genius of tapping the inserts is that you can still run a monitor mix straight of the main stereo buss of your desk. No re-patching or seperate monitor amps ... just bring your DAW outputs into spare desk channels or even aux returns, and make your headphone mix with the faders.

Let's face it, the people who are tapping inserts are also the people who don't have a tonne of fancy monitoring and control room gear. ;)

I was thinking of a cable like this... The TRS connection on side that splits into a y with TS connections on the other side... That way I can plug into the input and output of the soundcard and have send and return ( granted you need a soundcard with as many outs as you have ins) But that would make life a little simpler IMO than having to worry about wiggling patch cables everytime someone bumps the mixer. :D

Yeah I'm clumbsy like that.
You could use insert cables (TRS to 2x TS), with the TRS plugged all the way into the insert points. The send (the Tip signal on most any newer board) will go to the interface input. Set the interface to monitor its inputs on the corresponding outputs. Use the cable's return to connect to the outputs of the interface, which will route the signal back into the mixer's signal path. You'll be able to set up your own submix with the faders and it won't affect the recording levels.

This is, of course, if you don't trust the "half-way in" method, or if you have an older board where the insert send is on the ring instead of the tip (my Allen & Heath is like this). The reason the the half-way in works without interrupting the signal flow is because the tip is normalled to the ring in the insert, so that when there's nothing plugged in the signal passes through. Inserting a cable all the way in breaks the normal, and since you don't have a return signal on the ring connector, there's nothing to continue through the rest of the signal path. If you only go halfway in though, the tip of your TS cable is touching the ring's connector, which is normalled to the tip. Since the normal isn't broken, the tip in the insert point normals to the ring, which is also touching the tip of your cable, in effect multing the signal to both the rest of the mixer's signal chain and out through your cable.

If your board is wired with the send on the ring, clicking halfway will tap into the send, but will also break that normal, so you'll only get signal on your cable and not through the mixer. Pushing the cable all the way in, though taps your tip into the ring, but since the normal is broken, the ring isn't seeing any signal, so your cable sees no signal. You would need to make special TRS connectors that re-connected the tip and ring if you wanted to have signal on both your cable and your mixer's signal path. It took me a while to figure out why it didn't work, before I realized my console was wired opposite of AES standards now. Fortunately I have buss outputs so I don't need to worry about tapping into insert points.