wuhan or zildjian?

They are both horrible.

You'll wind up spending more when you replace 'em.

Just buy one good cymbal at a time.

Big Wuhan chinas are marginally acceptable.
If you go the cheep rout go with sabian b8's. Much better sounding than the ZBT's. I have the ZBT's and B8's and the zbt's are crap. The B8's get recorded sometimes.
zed32 said:
let's be honest dude, the ZBTs are SHIT too!!

haha oh yeah but id pick the zildjians over the wuhans..

but anyways im not sure if buying one good cymbal is really worth it ethier. i think the zbts are about 200 bucks or so .. and the first cymbal id tell someone to buy would be hi-hats and im not sure what the price of sabian or zildjian top line hats go for but i bought some paiste hats and they were 315 so even 200 wont get you a top line 1st cymbal. but i thin youd be better off just saving up and start goin at the good cymbals
Nick The Man said:
haha oh yeah but id pick the zildjians over the wuhans..

but anyways im not sure if buying one good cymbal is really worth it ethier. i think the zbts are about 200 bucks or so .. and the first cymbal id tell someone to buy would be hi-hats and im not sure what the price of sabian or zildjian top line hats go for but i bought some paiste hats and they were 315 so even 200 wont get you a top line 1st cymbal. but i thin youd be better off just saving up and start goin at the good cymbals

you can get some decent Zildjian hi hats for like $250. shit, i got mine for $125! even though they are mis-matched (A Mastersound top, A Custom Mastersound bottom), they still sound better than any budget set! thanks ebay. ;)

i think the sabian B8 hi hats actually don't sound too shitty. you could get by with those and a decent crash, which would probably run you about $150 or so new, so for $250 it would be a good place to start. variety isn't so important at this stage, if you got one cymbal that sounds good, why bother trying to get 3 cymbals that sound shitty, but maybe have different pitches? :confused:

anyway, buying cymbals is tough work. it's so tempting to just go with what you can afford right away!
Man, if you can wait to get quality ones, do. My rule of thumb, though - never, EVER buy a cymbal you haven't heard. Wuhan has terrible quality control, which means two things: you can get the worst cymbals you've ever heard from them. It also means that you can get a darn good one for dirt cheap, too. ZBTs are very consistent at sucking. At least with Wuhan, you might get lucky and find one that's decent. If I had to choose, I'd go Wuhan, but listen to as many of them as you can until you find one you like. Never been much of a Sabian fan, but some people love them, so I'd check those out, too. I think I'd agree that their cheap cymbals are better than Zildjian's.

But yeah... I'd mostly agree with the guys here who are saying that you should wait and get good cymbals, unless you're just planning to screw around with drums for a couple of years and them drop them. I'm about to sell my drumset, but my cymbals are STAYING. A good cymbal is worth the money.
really, im not a drummer, and i just need some cymbals that will do the job. i'll eventually upgrade but im not worried about it right now. i just need something that works. im about to start building a kit with stave construction just to dabble and see if i find it fun..... if i do, then i guess ill start building snares or maybe even full kits for people. if not.... well then i guess i have a new kit. but im not all that worried as long as it doesnt sound like complete ass. i do like the wuhans i've heard. i think i've heard about 4 of those sets, and while they do vary, the ones i've heard sound good enough for what i need 'em for. i've actually heard a lot of zildjians, sabians, paistes that i dont like..... but then i've heard alot more of ziljian, sabian, and paiste than i have wuhan so i cant really judge. im kinda hopin i get lucky and get a good set. after that im probably going to get another crash and a couple of splashes, as i like to use splashes in fills to mix things up a bit. not really sure yet though.
i've not heard the wuhans, bu i'vew heard the zbt's
and there's no way the wuhans sound worse then that.
lol the only decent sounding entry level series Zildjian I have heard is the trashformer. It's already broke! Nice efx too, has much the same 'spread' as a 20 inch China...

Seriously just go buy some used pro-quality cymbals instead of starting with the cheepshit, they will retain their value and still sound good in a year with repeated thrashings & they might sound better having been played-in too...
You can always tune cheap drums with the right heads to sound good. Cheap cymbals will always sound the same.
I agree ZBTs sound like ass, but how do y'all break them :confused: I had them in my live sound era, when I would lend out my kit a lot. I had to swap heads a couple of times due to severe denting, but I never lost a ZBT . . . I've heard Wuhans were prone to cracking, but if ZBTs are truly worse, then there is no reason to buy them :confused: :confused: :confused:
timboZ said:
If you go the cheep rout go with sabian b8's. Much better sounding than the ZBT's. I have the ZBT's and B8's and the zbt's are crap. The B8's get recorded sometimes.

i second this motion. while i am a die-hard zildjian guy, their cheap lines are terrible, and everying i've ever heard from wuhan is only slightly worse. i have over $2000 worth of zildjian cymbals (K custom, Avedis, and Z custom) on my kit, yet the one lonely 10-year-old sabian is a B8 splash that still sounds good.
isfahani said:
lol the only decent sounding entry level series Zildjian I have heard is the trashformer. It's already broke! Nice efx too, has much the same 'spread' as a 20 inch China...

Seriously just go buy some used pro-quality cymbals instead of starting with the cheepshit, they will retain their value and still sound good in a year with repeated thrashings & they might sound better having been played-in too...

i second this motion as well. keep checking local pawn shops--you'd be amazed at the top quality cymbals you can find there. i got my 22" avedis ride and a 14" avedis crash at a pawn shop 15 (!) years ago for under $200 (for both!), and i use them still today. on the crash, all the black print was worn off, but the indented zildjian stamp can't be missed, and the sound is unmistakably top-notch.