Worst Recordings - post the stuff that you would rather forget.

OK, I've been debating whether I should post this or not, but screw it...
This is a song I wrote years ago about how silly the human race is, and what aliens would think about our childish buffoonery.
It's called Two Planets Over.
I recorded all the parts myself. Drums on a Roland TD-7, guitar using an old Yamaha Pacifica straight into the interface and manipulated in the DAW. Bass was played on that same guitar and lowered in the DAW. Vocals/harmonies straight into the interface as well.
This was a loooooong time ago. Be gentle... :LOL:

Do I have to fuckin' remind you guys again? This is a thread for shit recordings, whether musically or recording wise. How about a little respect for the OP? Good stuff does not qualify!

Sorry Dave. I fuckin like that. Very clean and catchy and well done. I didn't even start listening to the lyrics until halfway thru. "What do they think two planets over?" (Or whatever - one listen in.) That is way clever. Me likee!
Do I have to fuckin' remind you guys again? This is a thread for shit recordings, whether musically or recording wise. How about a little respect for the OP? Good stuff does not qualify!

Sorry Dave. I fuckin like that. Very clean and catchy and well done. I didn't even start listening to the lyrics until halfway thru. "What do they think two planets over?" (Or whatever - one listen in.) That is way clever. Me likee!
Fuckin' seriously? Lol!
I just got home from band practice, vibrating at the incorrect frequency to go to bed, having a nightcap and then to read this.
Thank you sir.
As said earlier, we are our own worst critic, and this recording felt like a qualifier for the thread. Shit... need to dig deeper obviously...
Cheers mate. :ROFLMAO:
OK, I've been debating whether I should post this or not, but screw it...
This is a song I wrote years ago about how silly the human race is, and what aliens would think about our childish buffoonery.
It's called Two Planets Over.
I recorded all the parts myself. Drums on a Roland TD-7, guitar using an old Yamaha Pacifica straight into the interface and manipulated in the DAW. Bass was played on that same guitar and lowered in the DAW. Vocals/harmonies straight into the interface as well.
This was a loooooong time ago. Be gentle... :LOL:

Not bad
Whoo - hoo back from the grave!

So no one gets the wrong idea I was totally joking giving Dave shit about posting his tune. I actually liked it. I did not see how it could qualify as a "worst" of anything.

Carry on. As the waif says, "Please sir, can I have some more?"
doh.jpgThis was another recorded in the drummer's basement with two SM58's in the middle of the room going into the 2-track R-R. This is the only version of this song, we never played this one again. Since then (1976), I have only performed this as a solo performer on acoustic and in a different arrangement. Sometimes I sing, sometimes I don't. I don't have a recording of that version. . yet.


  • Sunday Evening.mp3
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Definitely raw, even for a (assuming) 1/4” tape machine. I liked the venture into harmonic minor on one of the gtr solo lines. Don’t hear that scale often and it’s hard to work into a jam.
View attachment 140413This was another recorded in the drummer's basement with two SM58's in the middle of the room going into the 2-track R-R. This is the only version of this song, we never played this one again. Since then (1976), I have only performed this as a solo performer on acoustic and in a different arrangement. Sometimes I sing, sometimes I don't. I don't have a recording of that version. . yet.
The guitar arpeggios have some kinda Byrds/8 Miles High vibe goin' on. Diggin' it!