World Cup 2014

By far the worst brazillian team I have ever watched and they started with a game plan to stop Colombia playing football. A farce. The ref must of had a few quid on the number of yellow cards cos there should have been at least a dozen...
Things are crazy in the Chili house today. My family is looking for retribution after the poorly ref'd Colombian game. Wife and kids are quite happy. I'm trying to work.... (and hang out here.)
For the record, the Germans gave the US team a pass by beating them only 1-0. The Germans are usually always dominant in soccer/football. They just are.

By the way Greg, it was in 1940 when they put on this kind of ass whoppin'.
For the record, the Germans gave the US team a pass by beating them only 1-0. The Germans are usually always dominant in soccer/football. They just are.

By the way Greg, it was in 1940 when they put on this kind of ass whoppin'.

Germany invaded Poland Sep 1, 1939. They rolled through like no one was home.
Germany invaded Poland Sep 1, 1939. They rolled through like no one was home.

So it took them like 6 weeks to go into France, not sure but that would seem like a good thrashing. Maybe our perspectives are different.
How many brazilian players are gonna be killed over this?

I don't fancy Fred's chances much.

Not really his fault that he's crap, but still getting picked. David Luiz is the worst culprit - a clown without make-up in every sense.