World Communion Recital

As always you PhilGood are again talking about subjects which you do know have the knowledge,..There is not local community promoting me...At point the jealousy was so rage that the local Clubs were intimidated into giving gigs and the places where I was playing were told not the advertise when i was playing,the media was intimidated also in promoting the place when I was playing a lot, and I mean a lot of wichtcraft,(killing animal and putting them infront of my door,breaking into my appartment to sabotage my documentation and Voo-Doo powder in my cloths and instruments, recluding people to deprive me from sleeping,harrasing my percussion-school,..I really have to be so good to create so much rage that people somebody have been spending the money doing that..(That's when you really prove that you are good in your field...I'm the Guru of Afrocuban percussion..Dr. Zaragemca

Nothing I could write would do as much damage to your credibility as this single paragraph.
The credibility is on file in a Federal Court here in Houston Civil Case..after i came back here,(1997),and they found out my expertise the whole sabotage started and criminal acts against me....all it is documented in the Federal Court...and with the Justice Department...Dr. Zaragemca
Stop calling you a doctor, son of a gun. You're not a damn doctor because you don't have a proper PhD! I don't care if the tribe chief call you his lady or something like that while he bangs your conga, we ALL think you're a fraud.

PS: Cut the conspiracy shit :mad:
The credibility is on file in a Federal Court here in Houston Civil Case..after i came back here,(1997),and they found out my expertise the whole sabotage started and criminal acts against me....all it is documented in the Federal Court...and with the Justice Department...Dr. Zaragemca

I live in the Houston area. I checked the public records both county and municipal. You are nowhere to be found. You are a fucking liar and a fraud.

Uh..... there's no one looking for me is there? I mean I guess there could be............................. my ex-wife can get kinda weird....... and then there was this woman that used to sing in my group. People are having people coming after them? That is alarming............. I must load my weapons and board up the windows, fill sandbags and get a bunch of MRE's.
You don't think they can see you through the computer do you?

This is just too stupid for words.
I live in the Houston area. I checked the public records both county and municipal. You are nowhere to be found. You are a fucking liar and a fraud.

That's because the Secret Service stole the records. Haven't you been reading along?
Oh, yeah? Well I live in Houston, too, and I've been digging through some old dusty records, and you know who else was a member of the International Club of Percussionists? Lee Harvey fuckin' Oswald, that's who. Have you ever heard Dr. Z's masterpiece "The Cubans and the Grassy Knoll"? You know, I never thought much about it, but it's all starting to make sense...
The credibility is on file in a Federal Court here in Houston Civil Case..after i came back here,(1997),and they found out my expertise the whole sabotage started and criminal acts against me....all it is documented in the Federal Court...and with the Justice Department...Dr. Zaragemca

May we have your full name and case number so that we can verify that you're telling the truth?
i reeeeeaaaallly can't wait for the results of this one. Dr. Zadsnasiohg you do realize the pearl drummers forum can't stand you either right? you do realize that just about nobody can stand you correct? i'm sorry to tell you this Dr. Zasdhgerrt4423t897wdfhsdf but nobody likes you. you should probably, stop professing to be a Doctor, get some real friends, and go hang with them, instead of trying to convince us all you have a degree. really. seriously. i think it'll do you some good to realize that you're just like everyone else here. nothing more.... not...... well maybe a bit less but still.