Wish it Away

Thanks ZeD!!

Actually the only instrument really played and an acoustic. The main rhythm track, then one other lead track in the middle. Everything else was midi. So I guess you could say I played keys. :D But yes, its all me.

cool man...did you actually play the drums on a keyboard or just programmed them in MIDI? they sound good to me, i thought they were real.
Space Daddy!!

Man...the vocals are awesome. You have a great voice!! The whole concept of the song rocks!!

I have been listening to your music evolve, since you started posting tunes....and it just gets better and better. I think you are well on your way, to finding your niche in style and signature vocals too, if you haven't just done that...you have tempered emotion...reaching out there, about to let go...pulling back in, taking the listener back in with you...and back out there, just to the edge of letting it all explode.... And when it comes to the climax, it doesn't explode wildly, but still it climaxes and seductively so ...leaving one satisfied, yet still hungry for more. It is a seduction of the ears...man...this is almost like having sex.....:eek: Heart stirring....seductive....the word seductive sure comes out a lot here.:D

I can see now, you are going to be added to my favorite seductive male vocalist list...those who can send chills through me 99% if the time with their singing, along with Freud, Philgood, Kramer and Cincy... just to mentioin a few. There is something in those voices that really get to me...just like some of the guitar playing.

I completely love the acoustical stuff you have done and the intro is enticing enough, to keep one listening. I love the arrangement of the song and the instrumental accents right where needed, to make dramatical expression. The drum build up going to the end is great too!!!

Space, I honestly think you have hit material here ....and just think...we all got to hear it first..!!!:cool:

I'd get this song down, exactly how you want it to sound and then get a demo recorded at a PRO studio. This song should be on the airwaves!! Damn. I am excited about your new song!!! Even the song title cries out hit!!

I really can't make any suggestions other than bring the vox out front...cause I am still, all wrapped up in the listening of the emotional impact the song has on me....

There are other good singers that hang around this place...the same as guitarist, drummers, bassist, violinist, pianist... and yah..even an accordian player or two. Many of those musicians kick ass too!!...and while they do kick ass, they may not make chills run up and down my spine in a seductive manner. Doesn't mean their talents, don't affect me as intensely...they just affect me in different ways...some to cry..some to laugh...some to feel good..some to get down and dirty dance...some to yehaw...some to dream by...some to spank...some to wanna get out and rob a 7-11 with a president mask on...:eek::D BUT there are some, that just freaking seduce me, as I listen...does not have to be perfection either, but genuine heart in the performance.

You guys around these parts have such amazing talents and I love listening to those talents.
cool man...did you actually play the drums on a keyboard or just programmed them in MIDI? they sound good to me, i thought they were real.

Both.. I play them out on the keyboard, then go back and tweak it all and move things. I spend much more time on the programming/tweaking then acutally hitting the notes on the keys. Usually I just loop the part, let it run, then then change it until I like it for the song.

Space Daddy!!

Man...the vocals are awesome. You have a great voice!! The whole concept of the song rocks!!

I have been listening to your music evolve, since you started posting tunes....and it just gets better and better. I think you are well on your way, to finding your niche in style and signature vocals too, if you haven't just done that...you have tempered emotion...reaching out there, about to let go...pulling back in, taking the listener back in with you...and back out there, just to the edge of letting it all explode.... And when it comes to the climax, it doesn't explode wildly, but still it climaxes and seductively so ...leaving one satisfied, yet still hungry for more. It is a seduction of the ears...man...this is almost like having sex.....:eek: Heart stirring....seductive....the word seductive sure comes out a lot here.:D

I can see now, you are going to be added to my favorite seductive male vocalist list...those who can send chills through me 99% if the time with their singing, along with Freud, Philgood, Kramer and Cincy... just to mentioin a few. There is something in those voices that really get to me...just like some of the guitar playing.

I completely love the acoustical stuff you have done and the intro is enticing enough, to keep one listening. I love the arrangement of the song and the instrumental accents right where needed, to make dramatical expression. The drum build up going to the end is great too!!!

Space, I honestly think you have hit material here ....and just think...we all got to hear it first..!!!:cool:

I'd get this song down, exactly how you want it to sound and then get a demo recorded at a PRO studio. This song should be on the airwaves!! Damn. I am excited about your new song!!! Even the song title cries out hit!!

I really can't make any suggestions other than bring the vox out front...cause I am still, all wrapped up in the listening of the emotional impact the song has on me....

There are other good singers that hang around this place...the same as guitarist, drummers, bassist, violinist, pianist... and yah..even an accordian player or two. Many of those musicians kick ass too!!...and while they do kick ass, they may not make chills run up and down my spine in a seductive manner. Doesn't mean their talents, don't affect me as intensely...they just affect me in different ways...some to cry..some to laugh...some to feel good..some to get down and dirty dance...some to yehaw...some to dream by...some to spank...some to wanna get out and rob a 7-11 with a president mask on...:eek::D BUT there are some, that just freaking seduce me, as I listen...does not have to be perfection either, but genuine heart in the performance.

You guys around these parts have such amazing talents and I love listening to those talents.

Wow True, thanks for the feedback. It makes me happy to know that someone out there truly connects with my style/song. Its a very emotional thing (I'm sure it is for most people) to create and share music. To hear that it helped create emotion for you.. well there's just nothing like it. Honestly, I think you do the same for me.

I'm also glad to hear that you feel I'm improving vocally, as you know, I've been working at it.

As for taking this song to a pro, well, I'd like to, but may never do something like that. Half the fun for me is doing it myself. Plus, a real pro wouldn't want to hide my mistakes as much I do.:D:D

So.. what song made you want to put on a mask and rob the 7-11??:D
Great job on everything. I agree with others that your voice fits the song and the mood. I would place the voice more forward, almost "in yer face" to bring out more nuance to help carry the emotional tone. Can you do that w/o making it too loud?? My PC spkrs are crap but it sounded like there are low strings in the back somewhere. Maybe a short (8 bars) string interlude could be cool about 2/3rds of the way thru. Overall...great job on a great song. If the string idea seems good to you, PM me...I can already hear it!

New Mix

Hey gang.. I redid some parts.. how does this mix sound. Better? Worse?

I think the vox are a little loud. This is the first time I used automation on some effects so any feedback is appreciated.

Yup, it sounds better...not 100% sure exactly why yet after a couple of listens to each mix, but definitely better. The vocals are not too loud to my ears. Nice goin'.
vocals sound great on the new mix, not too loud, just right. the acoustic guitar sounds a little overcompressed or pumpy and leans to the right (maybe on purpose?). i love the backing vox on this, how they don't cut through to the front but you can feel them there. and once again the song itself is just killer. nice work dude.

one suggestion is during the part where the acoustic guitar does its thing around 2:45, i would highpass that flanged drum part and bring it up a little louder. at lower volumes, all you hear is the kick part, and if you highpassed it, i think it would sound more balanced so you could get the feel of the whole drum part. it's a really cool effect though with the flanger, to offset the guitar on the left.

anyway kick ass job. :cool:
the acoustic guitar sounds a little overcompressed or pumpy and leans to the right (maybe on purpose?).
It doesn't lean to the right on purpose, I just need to pfix it. :) As far as over compressed, do you hear it in the whole song, or just the intro? I'll explain later.:confused:

one suggestion is during the part where the acoustic guitar does its thing around 2:45, i would highpass that flanged drum part and bring it up a little louder. at lower volumes, all you hear is the kick part, and if you highpassed it, i think it would sound more balanced so you could get the feel of the whole drum part. it's a really cool effect though with the flanger, to offset the guitar on the left.

Ya know, I agree with you, and I did high (and low) pass it some. I do need to do it more though, that kick sound is kind of annoying. I'll give it a shot!!:cool:

vocals sound great on the new mix, not too loud, just right. i love the backing vox on this, how they don't cut through to the front but you can feel them there. and once again the song itself is just killer. nice work dude.

Awesome man, I happy you like it!!!:D Thanks for taking the time!!
ok.. I guess this will be my last bump. Just looking for any feedback at all.

If you guys think that the song (any or all parts, writing, mix, talent whatever) sucks and you're too afraid to say anything.. bring it on!!:mad::D I'm a big spaceboy.

If not, I'll assume everything else not mentioned is perfect and that I'm just that good. :cool:
