Why must my mono songs become converted to "stereo" on cd

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ok..ok....I listened to "Gold Queen", amongst others!.....there maybe something in there that deserves a higher quality recording.

I spewed my beer all over the monitor towards the end, in laughter...not because the song was bad, but ...but....

Look, you guys try this at home....start consuming a beverage at about 2:37 into the track....and listen closely, try to get a mental picture of what this guy is actually doing while he's recording this.......see if the same result doesn't happen to you!..haha!

Jordan, sincerely, if you live in my area I would like to re-track that particular tune, why??...because I like the track and you make me laugh.
And that's what I want to be able to do forever....record and laugh.

Hehe I can imagine these songs in a movie soundtrack. Surely there are some scenes where this music would fit. Thanks Jordan, I don't mind listening to this music for something different.
Track 13 "Rocker" has a nice groove.
Track 17 "Telly" is kinda catchy. Some nice chords too.

Track 11 "The War is over" seems to have a eq hole for the vocals. Hmm I wonder if it was intentional. Haha those brief moments where everything gets louder and distorted.
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Amazing how the human brain works.

Trash something long enough, and even if it deserves the trashing, someone will try to be a rebel and find something "cool" about it.

Works the other way, too. If too many people like something, someone will inevitably say it sucks, just to be different.

Good morning.....I will now proceed to my first of many coffees.:D
Amazing how the human brain works.

Trash something long enough, and even if it deserves the trashing, someone will try to be a rebel and find something "cool" about it.

I'm considering releasing a cd of my bowel movements but I can't find the right mixing buss compressor. I need to crunch it enough to make the plops thunderous but I don't want to lose all the bright air that comes with the splash.

Maybe I could run the track through Melodyne... separate the plops from the splash and treat them individually? Can Melodyne do that?

When it comes out (oooh, bad pun), it'll be revolutionary!!! :cool:
Amazing how the human brain works.

Trash something long enough, and even if it deserves the trashing, someone will try to be a rebel and find something "cool" about it.

Works the other way, too. If too many people like something, someone will inevitably say it sucks, just to be different.

Good morning.....I will now proceed to my first of many coffees.:D

I know there are certainly some examples of what you're talking about, but I was sincere when I said I thought there was something nice about those two tracks---really just those two, although I didn't listen to them all.

I imagine that most people who are trashing this guy probably only listened to the first song he pitched---that "fanny may" one or "fanny lee," or whatever---and made up their mind then. I listened to that one first too, and thought it was god awful. But for some reason I decided to listen to a few more, and I found 2 that I thought had nice elements. I listened to about 5 or 6 more after that, and then I gave up.

I'm considering releasing a cd of my bowel movements but I can't find the right mixing buss compressor. I need to crunch it enough to make the plops thunderous but I don't want to lose all the bright air that comes with the splash.

Maybe I could run the track through Melodyne... separate the plops from the splash and treat them individually? Can Melodyne do that?

When it comes out (oooh, bad pun), it'll be revolutionary!!! :cool:

What if you close-miked the bowl with something like a 52a for 'boom', then mic the room by putting a 414, say, on the sink or in an open medicine chest, or, better yet, if it's a full bathroom, in the shower, for 'space'. I think it might also be good to put a sm81 over your shoulder to catch the crispness of both the flatulence and the turning of the magazine pages. You know, if you have hardwood floors in your house, you might even want to throw up a couple more ldc's down the hallways and leave the doors open for that famous Jon Bonham kind of resonance on your BM. Then, just treat each mic on its own.
What if you close-miked the bowl with something like a 52a for 'boom', then mic the room by putting a 414, say, on the sink or in an open medicine chest, or, better yet, if it's a full bathroom, in the shower, for 'space'. I think it might also be good to put a sm81 over your shoulder to catch the crispness of both the flatulence and the turning of the magazine pages. You know, if you have hardwood floors in your house, you might even want to throw up a couple more ldc's down the hallways and leave the doors open for that famous Jon Bonham kind of resonance on your BM. Then, just treat each mic on its own.

Damn. You've done this before, haven't you? Well I'm not so stubborn as to not take advice from someone obviously more experienced than I. I'm gonna try it out. Actually, I'm pretty flushed with excitement about this new project. :D
Damn. You've done this before, haven't you? Well I'm not so stubborn as to not take advice from someone obviously more experienced than I. I'm gonna try it out. Actually, I'm pretty flushed with excitement about this new project. :D

Busted. I have a solid 18 tracks recorded, just trying to decide where to mix it. I mean, everyone loves those Neve consoles with the 4ch eq's, but I think an SSL might let the mix breathe a little more.

Or, I might have possibly FINALLY foud a task ideally suited to Behringer mixers!
Busted. I have a solid 18 tracks recorded, just trying to decide where to mix it. I mean, everyone loves those Neve consoles with the 4ch eq's, but I think an SSL might let the mix breathe a little more.

And here I thought I was squatting atop an original idea. Okay, obviously you're going to be able to release your cd before I'll even get mine fully tracked. I suppose I could release a Christmas cd though... I'll call it "Holy Shit." It will include gaseous colonic interpretations of classic holiday songs.

Or, I might have possibly FINALLY foud a task ideally suited to Behringer mixers!

You know how there are some people who feel like you should never combine a tube pre with a tube mic because it'll be too much tube? Well, I don't think you should record shit with Behringer gear. :cool:
I just made a video for Gold Queen since a lot of people liked it, and its a song that means a lot to me!


i had some problems getting the audio to song good because i did it live but its very neat!

looking forward to getting home and watching it !....(websense won't allow me to watch it at work!)..
Hey Jordan, could you also post up the words for Gold Queen?:confused:
Thanx mang
So, Umm...

Is this better or worse than Wesley Willis?

Is this better or worse than "The Kids Of Widney High"

And - some of the noise on "the gold in the hill" isn't mind rapingly annoying.

Really this guy might have a better chance if what he did had a different singer.
And a little production skill. And motivation. And better words.

But...most of what I do really sucks, so don't listen to me. Or do. And make fun of my stuff.
I love the new video. Sorta like the White Stripes. I even have a name for your band. I was changing my underwear after hearin your songs and the name came to me.............

Call your band the Brown Stripes!
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