Why I won't buy the Tascam 2488

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Yeah, that!

... & why I won't buy an MSR-24 is because I already have that!! :eek: ;)

I won't be buying a sports car or swimming pool, either! Why?... :eek: ;)
thats what scares me about digital...no knobs! Who the hell wants to go through pages of instructions and layers on menus to perform a simple function. Until the manufactures get it right and install a simple knob function I'll stay away from digital. :mad:
2488 keeping the feet on the ground

They may get it "right"...someday.
I'll admit i been a bit excited..newness.
You guys need to keep me unbiased,
and your right....

If you use the Digital boxes as a "ADAT" or HD24 type
rec unit only, with a Analog Mixer...and outboard FX,
that'd probably be the ideal setup. but thats some $$$.

when it comes to effects, tweeking the tracks
.....its not as good as the Analog, this is truth.
worst part of it to date.

damn, some dumbass messed up my ebay on the MD8...$455
my first auction, now its screwed. he kept like spamming me to
let him pay some other way..."asap!!" he said.
Then EBAY said he was a crook and deleted his ass.
Had it sold, I would have only been out about
$45 total for the 2488!! damn.
$1100 2488 - ~600 Guitar tradein -$450 MD8.
good feeling.

+Tracking still excellent
+ Bouncing some tracks was fairly simple.
+ Extra tracks....damn its nice to just keep going and not having to stop and bounce. (main reason for upgrade).
???? A really nice Pre-Amp w/ compressor/eq would be really good with this
unit. One could just stay totally away from the menu sht.
???? Effects- ???later on.still figuring this out, it comes and goes.

- adding effects and sht was attempted. i didn't have much luck, it was
easier than the Roland840....but it's a menu. I can understand it...but
it ain't simple to assign each track with say comp&eq&reverb seperately yet.
Right when you think you have it, its like gone.
- have to agree, the EQ and PAN (altho simple) aren't knobs.

so far still like it thank you very mush, Tracking is greta garbo.
but after listening to my recent mix job is it really
way above my MD8? not yet.
I had some decent little tunes on the Yammie,
so this is probably me not the unit.
I won't blame the unit for the mix sound quality.

oh well...back at it 20something left.
testdriving the 2488

freshmattyp said:
I tried recording straight to the PC, but I found it to be awkward at best for me. That's why I went with the 2488. I use it strictly for tracking. It excels at that. It's hard to beat the ease of use. The USB was the biggest reason I went with the Tascam over the Yamaha. I've been nothing but pleased with this unit.

you make it sound so easy.

i just reead the "click" was fixed on the premaster section with 1.01 software.
thats what version i have on this deck.
this unit is easy to use but can be confusing when selecting the inputs. I am still trying to figure out how to assign more than one track a multi effect at a time.
2488 effects purgatory

yeah, I agree and can't say it enough
the tracking is right on. I can do all 24tracks with only plugging
the mic to channel 1!
....and the red,green, yellow ARM and Mute and REC

but delving deeper into MENU HELL.....
no inserts sucks.
i mean it ain't straight forward to plug in my
DMP3 and RNC for comparisons to the 2488 CHannel 1.

so anyway i opted to plug the SPB1 mic straight in to the 2488,
on this first tune.
I thought...ok, no inserts...I'll see what the internal

EFFECTS: Basically 3 Buttons, the way i see it.
1) SINGLE (stereo buss sht- plates, reverbs etc..)
2) X4 (vocal sht compressors/expanders/de-essers)
3) MULTI (guitar effects sht...sucky presets-defaults...no surprise)

1)SINGLE/stereo buss:
its ok, i think. I figured the SINGLE-STEREO BUSS thing-
and can apply the reverb on all the tracks (stereo buss)
and can adjust each tracks reverb quantity,
similar to a Analog SEND. no big issues if thats all you want to do.

but then when i say "hey how about a little compressor on that
vocal track #1 #2?"
and I change to Effect Button 2) VOCAL STUFF group....
then the menu sht seems to rear its ugly head, at least for me.
when the compressor was on, it sounded like I could live with it.
but the problem is, menus, and not sure how I turned it ON or at times
I turned it OFF without knowing how or why?? and did it turn off the
SINGLE setting I just did? hmmm

3)then you go to Effects box 3- FAKE GUITAR DIST CRAP.
it seems to override the REVERB/SINGLE again!!! like its either or???
surely we can put more than one effect on each track somehow.
and its just strange at this point.

yes, I'm already thinking I don't like the
this is a strange one and the default sounds are ugly IMO...

but my exp. is most guitar multi-effects boxes suck. and I'm too lazy
to program sht. my nephews would probably have more patience
and make it sing....

Analog: I have kept my little Sans Amp for years...nice amp clean tone.
and a Shure57 to a amp-speaker just seem to beat all the multi-effect boxes,
even if its a fairly shitty amp and speaker....and its simple.

yeah, some menu-guru could probably work wonders...like those
guys that program Casio keyboards with 500 things going on...
but I don't want to be a menu programming expert.
MENUS still suck.

on a positive note...the TAscam had a bunch of effects, i would never had
bought...and it's funny, I put on some +2 pitch shift and it was fhkng cool..
like me singing two times at a slight different pitch...added a fresh effect
to the song.

problem is I don't know how the fhk I did it!! doh!!
A Reel Person said:
..........................;) :eek:

It's pretty simple for basic recording and the manual can have you tracking in no time. In default terms it thinks in terms of recording/mixing/and 'mastering' and once you get the assignments down the process is easy. I found both the 788 and 2488 earier to use than Roland but both have that approach of using multiple button pressing to accomplish a task.....Tascam less so. It's a bother but cuts down on buttons.
If you are an analog guy

AKAI DPS 8,16 and 24. Easiest smeashiest digital mixer/recorder I have ever seen or used. The pre-amps and almost doable and the efx are typically cheesy. I have put hundreds of hours of use on that thing.

Roland has all of the frills but with a DPS you will go months without the manual.

That's exactly why I bought the thing.
we have spam and spamtracking and menuspam..day20+

more thoughts for the day: by Ralph Cramden Stanely GearHead.

the 2488 test drive:
i been doing a few mixes and listening in the car, spending my 2hrs to go 15 miles.

A++ holds with the digital tracking ease, in addition to the quantity.

Menus- thought for the day. The big negative-fear factor.
1) anyone can use Outboard gear and avoid the menu's.
2) Noone FORCES you to use the 12,000 shtty guitar effects
...so remove this from the buying decision.

So what if the 2488 didn't have anything but the 24/24 HD and CDRW?

Outboard gear required= my old Analog gear I HAD to have outboard gear.
so this is a wash and not a true negative to the 2488.
Hell, Hook a mixer up to the 2488 and use it like a HD24, if you have to?
who cares!fhk the menus? I was thinking.

Again, just because the menus & effects are there,
noone is forced to use 'em. I liked that thought.

The HD24 doesn't have menus or EQ&PAN knobs either,
so does this make it a BAD unit...No.?

So is $1100 for a 24tr/24bit TRACKING station worth it?
i'd say yes. a strong yes.
like having an HD24- fhk the menus if i have to.
and the CD-RW is much better than my consumer CDRplayer.

leave the damn thing on the HOME page at all times, if neccesary!!
yeah, thats the ticket.

so day 20+something. damn next track is to have DMP3/RNC still haven't compared this yet...to fhkng busy working.

sorry for no interesting comparisons..been working OT to justify some speakers and sht. Bought a ADCOM 6-speaker selector...nice. Ebay $71.
this was what turned me to the passive monitor route..A/B-ing ability.ohyeah.
2488 testdrive:

2488- still Mixing and Burning this first tune. A lot of listening during the workweek- enjoyable amount of sound clarity noticed. starting to hear it in the acoustic guitar especially- nice and clear (damn i'll have to start playing better!!)

very basic tracked song, as to just get going on the unit.

trying to get used to the whole process.
+ Not one negative QC issue yet. no clicks or lockups.

1) adding reverb to the whole song- press "Single"+ press TRACK SELECT
then SEND, simple. repeat 24 times.

2) compressor and guitar"multi effects" still sucks in user interface.
sound is ok on the compressor, and guitar sounds is noisy and suck.

Acoustic/Vocal- T1
Harmony/Acoustic- T2
Acoustic lead/filler- T4
Drum- T5+T6
percussions/filler- T7
more eefcts-shakers- T8
double track rythm guitar- T9

SPB1 mic>2488>internal CDRW

of course been playing with my monitors.
took back the RP8's just a bit "too big" for my
Using RAM 6.5" and Paradigm3se's powered by the TascamPA150
(been sneaking around looking at B&W...very sweet...sound similar to the
KRK V's series IMO...at half the price for a Passive set...what else can I sell?).

Plan to track same song today at least Mic'd parts for a NO MENU/Outboard tune.

I think there's like 15days left for Test Drive.

Beings I decided to upgrade from the MD8 it was sold.
1st Auction was $450, then a fraud dipshit did $455 and fhkd it up.
2nd Auction was $375!! SOLD. i thought that sucks?

2488 @ $1100 <minus the $600 (GC trade guitar) and $375 (MD8)>

I'm out about $225 for the 2488. and so far very happy with it....
only thing the Tascam has to do is not have "workmanship" type issues
and its a keeper....wonder if there's an extended warranty?
test drive cont.....

yeh, REEL, it's working great.
and so far so good. still a keeper IMO.

the outboard tryouts has been ok.
my DMP3/RNC don't have unbalanced/3 prongers,
so i had to switch to other track inputs.
small thing, but i don't like it for some reason.
my old MD8 had 3prong AND 1/4"balanced option...nice.
MD8 also had a insert for first two tracks...very nice.
the 2488 doesn't.

not to digress...but what the hell!!! i'm trying to be un-biased.

My outboard gear testing to date:
I can't say I actually hear an improvement playing with the internal compressor or the RNC; however...having the outboard is User Friendly kinda?
Its just that all this dsp-sht"sharc: is supposedly available internally, but it's not easy to use. The RNC is easy to use but I can't put a different compression on each channel!!daamnnn that'd be a bunch of compressors!!$$$ so..hmmm?internal is nice if I could figure it out??

like someone put it so well...."they put all this crap in the unit, then we try and figure out how to use it.." something like that, but its true!!
hell, I hate menus...but a different compressor setting for each Track, it is a nice option for a poorGearslut.

The DMP3 is ok, but not noticed as a "improvement"...
less is better so it'll be out of the loop most likely.
My Gearslutself is looking at Tofts and Channel Strips now!!!
Pre/Comp/EQ.....daaamnn. lets see a Toft$ -DMP3$ and RNC$...and...

on a different note, been having fun with the speakers.
The ADCOM 6 speaker selector is in use very nice off the PA150.
my Rams, and Paradigm 3se's hooked up...listend to tunes all day,
while re-painting my spare bedroom..i mean studio :)
.....new arrival coming.
B&W DM303 for $150pr...from the infamous "SOS- HiFi vs Nearfield article".
this will be fun. GC has some Tannoy Proto-J for $100 demo/floor too.

I think I have learned my RAM Monitors & are ok, but damn they have that kinda ear bleed mid-range.

back to the 2488....holding out on opinions until I fully understand this
"effects/menu sht". (which kinda says something in itself)

I'm just a songwriter/home demo stuff...so alot of the Engineering inputs,
I'll leave for someone else. Hell, 2 inputs with a Channel insert would be fine for me...love the extra Tracks.

my biggest paranoia is they'll come out with a 2488 II soon,
with fhkng EQ/PAN knobs and Channel Inserts!!...
and a CDR-W that has full
mastering effects, and a Video output!!

still alot of people seem to like the Yammies over this unit, but not sure of their applications.
Outboard= NO Menus

so a sales dude at GC had a Joe Meek 1Q used in the store, PRE/COMP/EQ/DE-SSER.
I snatched it up and test drove it tonight.

Within seconds, I was selling my DMP3/RNC (now on ebay 3/23),
and for me, IMO, this was a WOW!!! change..

I love it for more than "sound reasons".
1) The Sound I like very, very, very much. mmmmmmm
2) I can plug into front panel (some laugh but I like the ergonomics)
3) Has Channel Inserts!!! BINGO!!!

A++ I don't need Menus...
now have a nice ch/track with Channel Inserts.....!!! whhooooooo..
I can leave the 2488 on Flat EQ, No Effects. very good vibe.

great for solo-songwriting tracking. and i really liked the sound right away,
many don't...but I loved Eric Claptons "playing with my Johnson Cd.."
and its that muddy, warm, compression/EQ type sound...oh babayyyyy.

Of course i'm frantically selling some sht but thats my own headtrip, single income family 4 gearheadhell....

$435 1Q. -2qty sm57's $190 trade-in at GC and -$210 RNC/DMP3 Ebay..
I'll be out $125ish. hmmm????

strange bizarre stories on the Joe Meek lawsuits with Alan/Ted copyrights etc......some fried stuff.
so a sales dude at GC had a Joe Meek 1Q used in the store, PRE/COMP/EQ/DE-SSER.
I snatched it up and test drove it tonight.

Hey, you're kinda doing the hybrid analog/digital thing. Cool! :cool: Proceed with extreme caution though, 'cause next thing you know you'll be getting a nice open reel deck and your home set-up may start lookin' somethin' like this: :eek: :D ;) :)


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digital ready analog...hehehee

cjacek said:
Hey, you're kinda doing the hybrid analog/digital thing. Cool! :cool: Proceed with extreme caution though, 'cause next thing you know you'll be getting a nice open reel deck and your home set-up may start lookin' somethin' like this: :eek: :D ;) :)

that was a good chuckle..... I think I've owned all those units except the 88keys. yeah, as someone said half the fun is the human intervention of recording...and analog and mixing boards and knobs...

is that a 'real" piano or a simulated analog digital plastic-walnut with authentic replicated strings....hehehheee

yeah, my brother an me joke about the marketing guys..and all the new stuff.
Warm up your DIGITAL tracks!! Get THAT WARM ANALOG SOUND!!

they will have to sell a "tape hiss generator" to get that true Analog sound.
or a "scratchy album noise generator" to get that 60's feel&sound. hehee

I'm old enough to remember wanting to shtcan my tube guitar amp because it sucked carrying a spare box of tubes around for the gigs in the northern US in the winter..solid states were becoming the "hype-rage-fad"....and didn't have tubes to replace....they also had that SAWbuzz FUZZ!!! whoooa WOW!!
everyone wanted the SAW buzz FUZZ sound!!! just like a MARSHALL STACK!!!

now we want tubes and modeling in the same unit.

i loved the Joe Meek sound right away and ergonomics of the unit is just oevr the top for me....
and the DMP3/RNC sold overnight.(good reason to buy "good cheap stuff".)
i took a 30% hit, but hey no one said it'd be easy, and GC and Pawn shops were worse than 30% offers.....and I got the Joe Meek without hitting my sad financials too hard, so all is good IMO, very happy.

The Joe Meek was a surprise in my Upgrade work. Monitors are still nearing the final stage....and then I'll be done with the upgrade for awhile.
Coolcat,... thanx so much for the great input!!

If I only could, I'd delete a lot of my stuff, and change the title to:

COOLCAT's Cool 2488 Test Drive!!

That's the official new name of this thread!!

Rock on!!!


Y'know, I've even warmed up a bit to the 2488, and it's a fine and solid value for the $1100, & well worth it. I'm sure it's more suited for digi-gear heads and new-starters looking for the highest value & sound. Yeah, I said it.

However, I'm the hard case. In my own special case, there's no doubt that my best time/dollar spent is in exploiting my own solidly established base of great classic analog gear.

IF, I was ever inclined to just pop for a new 24-tracker, given that I had the extra $1100 just laying around, I'd SURELY get the 2488 over the competition. You heard it here, first!


COOLCAT, I'm super-happy for you and the 2488! I'd take back lots of the criticism I've levelled at the 2488, because I'm coming from the non-average position as a critic. I have an analog 24-track MSR-24. That's my perspective, and I'm almost alone in that standing. My reference is hughely skewed off the norm, and I know it.

I also have MUCH lower end gear (<24) that I've acquired and not fully exploited, and that's going to be done before I expand my gear empire any further.

There's something about myself,... having so much gear and experience, that despite just appearing to be a crank, I have very high standards in choosing gear for it's value and features. Even considering low end gear,... there's some that spins my wheels, and some that leaves me flat. F/I, I LOVE the Pocketstudio-5 User's Group guys, and the GREAT music they're making with the P-5, but somehow the P-5 is not a good fit for me,... because I expect more, and I already have MUCH more in other gear I already own. As much as I'd often like to join in the P-5 fun, I still probalby won't be buying the P-5. Same for the 788, 2488, etc.

I'm a hard case on gear, as if that's not obvious already. I'm not a crank, really, although I have my moments, but I'm so spoiled by some older and more superior gear that I already have,... that I may never catch on to brand new gear again, with the way designs and features are going.

PLEASE keep the 2488, (sure bet by now), and please keep posting updates, tips & tricks, as you see fit!!


All valuable opinions,... COOLCAT, Philboyd & all those others who've posted.
I'll never forsake my analog base of "life" and "fans".

Straight, plain & simple.

IF I ever had that "what the heck" $1100 impulse purchase, I'd be "okay" with the 2488, thanx to COOLCAT, PB_Studge & others, who've injected reason into my manic complex.

BUT, for the time being, I'm perfectly happy using and trying to fully exploit:

[2] Tascam 38's
[4] Tascam 388's
[2] Tascam 34B's
[1] Tascam 34
[6] Tascam 244's
[2] Tascam 246's
[1] Tascam 238
[4] Tascam M-30's
[1] Tascam M-35
[1] Tascam M-312
[1] Tascam MSR-24
[2] Tascam 424mkII's
[2] Tascam 424mkIII's,... (both BRAND NEW IN BOX!)
[1] Tascam 488
[1] Tascam 488mkII
[1] Tascam 688, (Mint!!)
[5] Tascam 234's
[1] Tascam M-06
[1] Tascam 32
[2] Tascam GE-20 Stereo Graphic Equalizers
[3] Tascam PE-40 4x4 Parametric EQ's
[4] Tascam MH-40 4-Headphone amps
[4] Tascam MX-80 8-mic/line mixers
[4] Tascam M-1B 8-line mixers
[2] Tascam RS-20 Stereo Spring Reverbs
eh?... Fostex?...
[1] Fostex A-8
[1] Fostex A-8LR
[2] Fostex Model 80's
[1] Fostex R-8
[2] Fostex 350 Mixers
[1] Fostex 4030/4035 Synchronizer/controller
[1] Fostex 4050 Remote Autolocater
[1] Fostex 2050 8-line mixer
[3] Fostex 3050 D-Delay
[1] Fostex 3180 Stereo Spring Reverb
[1] Fostex 3070 Stereo Compressor-Limiter
eh?... Digital?
[2] Tascam 564's
[2] Fostex FD-4's,... one with ext. drive and one with int. drive
[1] Fostex FD-8
[1] Yamaha MD8

&... y'know guys,... that's just off the top of my head, best recollection. I'm SURE there's something I've either glossed over or forgotten,... NOT TO MENTION various other classic "fixit" gear, not mentioned. (Thank you UPS!)

SO, Herm & others,... I assure you that I'll never leave or forsake my analog "base", "empire" or "fans", (*fwiw).

SEE,... as I just said,... if they ever concieved the likes of the P-5 to be anywhere near the 246, then they'd have something,... but it's simply not the case!!!

Ok? Thanx!!! I'm first & always ANALOG!

BTW,... you guys can have my analog gear,...

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