Why analog rocks: It sounds bad!

out of the blue

i'm digital

but also love the sound of my old records

they have a sound quality you can't imitate (or improve!)

but so does digital

they're different

but not inferior/superior

it's just what you like

and let me like both!!!


( and so does my old fostex four track )
The Ghost of FM said:
Better still, let's keep the secrets all to ourselves. That way, more and more digital trackers will dump their analog gear even cheaper then they are giving it away for now and we can all reap the rewards at E-bay on other places.

Hmmm. That could work. :)

I would rather post threads that help existing analog users with their stuff then defend my dis-like for cheer-leading threads like this one.

Well, so stop doing it! Nobody is forcing you to answer this thread. :) If you don't like it, don't read it. Really. No offense intended, just a good advice.

I changed my mind!

I will talk about why I think analog is better.


I think it's better because it sounds better to me.

Though digital users can enjoy the benefits of a complete 128 track digital recording studio for a few hundred dollars and cut and paste their way to musical stardom, I am not deterred by the wheels of progress. Even as they run me over and make me feel thousands of years more out of date they I actually am.

I am not deterred by the fact that I have spent close to 40,000 Canadian dollars on my analog set ups over the years and now see that any dweeb with a computer and Kazzaa can download a pirated version of Cool Edit Pro for nothing and have a 128 track digital recording studio running on a garden variety PC and create mixes that I could only dream about doing.

So what if you have to mix with a mouse!

So what if you have to wade through countless menus and sub-menus to turn up the treble on a guitar!

So what if you have a power outage and loose 3 years worth of work in a heartbeat!

These are just a minor inconvenience, I am sure a digi-kid would tell you.

They know best.

I am just a fool with a lot of professional analog recording gear.

Cheers! :)
Now this is just my little take on the Digital vs analog thing and its not based on any scientific fact or any thing like that so you will have to take it with a grain of salt.

For the last 10 years my hearing has been going why down hill. Im at about 35 percent left now maybe less.
9 years ago I had reached a point in my life that I could afford a nice recording setup, 2 adats 24/8 buss mackie board effects the whole ball of wax. So I build a nice little studio in my garage.
I record my band and about 8 or 9 others and everytime I would listen to the mixes on my stereo in the car on the boom box and nothing worked it always had something I could not fix, I went 4 differant sets of monitors, Tube effects everything I could to try and fix what i kept hearing in everything that just did not sound correct. Got rid of the adats got a computer with 24 bit same thing.
Then I listen to some stuff I had done on a tascam four track 22/4
many years earlier and I heard it there it was that sound. So I bought a Fostex e16 to replace all the other digital stuff i had and havnt looked back.
Can I still do a bunch of Digital tricks with it? No Can I polish a turd and make something that is nothing sound great? NO
But now I dont have to listen to the screaching frickin digital that a half deaf guy can hear.
some times I think the problem with digital is Yes that you can hear everything just the way it sounds and maybe some things we are not suppose to hear If that makes sense.
Damn man, that sucks about your hearing.

Please don't be offended if I announce:
Even the partial deaf can hear the difference.
What more do you need? ;)
What more do you need?

Oh lets see, for starters a ATR-60 would be nice. And then, ah, hmmm, 3700, and then, ah...... :D


Hey jake-owa, I read your post about moving to Portland. Beautiful city. I live in Coos Bay Oregon. Give me a holla when you get here. Knightfly lives in mid oregon.
And theres a couple of others that live right in Portland. See, you have company already.:D

ps, I wrote a long reply to your packing thread and just as I finished I hit a button that wiped it out. Don't even know what I did:confused: Damn I hate that.
Fitz! You are in Oregon Too?! All the cool catz live there it seems. I will definitely give you a buzz when I get there.

No worries about the moving post..just repost it when you get a chance, that will be great thanks.