Which songwriter?

Well Let's see

I'll give you an array.

I can't pin one down but here are some I admire and what not.

Jim Croce, Dio (just the writting not the body please), Roger Waters ( or better yet all the mind of pink floyd rolled in to one.

Thats the short list.
Shut up and play yer f*ck'n guitar!

I would proudly come back as:
(drum roll please...)


the original Illinois Enema Bandit! He also liked my favorite
woodwind instrument (I also play this) the BASSOON! As long
as I didn't have colon cancer too...

Weasels Ripped My Flesh- GRRRZZZZ!!!
and the daughter I would father by the resurrected Bernadette
Peters (ah, those third-generation Italian girls!) would still be
named "Moon Unit"!!!

Nya hah hah!

the Faithmonster