Which One?


Get it done Pete !!!

Tomorrow is D-day, and I really want to hear this on the CD!!!!!!!
Ahhhhh, dial-up is killing me.

I want to hear this, Pete, but I'm already downloading something else now. I'll get to it and check back in tomorrow night.

Doubt that I'll the patience to download both versions, so I'm going with the consensus #1. :)

OK, I'm back. :D

Nice mix, Pete. I only listened to Comp 1, but it's plenty good to me. Nice laid back feel. Strummin' guitar's got a nice sound to it.

I assume the drums are programmed. You did a good job, but I might of laid off the crash a little in some of it.

Not much to fault on this one. Particularly if it hasn't had any mastering. Thumbs up.

I'm a little late, but I'll try and throw ya some thoughts about comp 1...

Nice warm tune Pete.

I like the drum sounds, except for the crash cymbal. It doesn't blend well with the tune. Too bright for the rest.

"Just lift your head up anytime, and I will be there for you...etc..." During this section I think there are far too many cymbal crashes, with not not much going to that needs accenting, like guitar chords, or kick and bass attacks, things like that.

I can really get into everything that doesn't have that cymbal.

I like the piano playing! Nice guitar solo too...those last couple of notes in stereo have a real nice tone to them.

I like the vibe of the vocals too. Warm and heartfelt and with a good mix.
tough call, the nr one was nice and up front, but the phr was a more soothing. Ya, I like the phr.
I think the guitar on the phr is a bit too distant, maybe it needs some verb to place it there. Other stuff was more important to the song tho and that version had it.

guess it's a little late to offer an opinion before the comp cd deadline, but, oh well, just thought I'd add my two cents.
Thanks again you guys,I really appreciate the input.
I went with #1,seems to be the consensus.


fprod south
Buffalo Bob
Doug H

Your friend,

So Sorry I am late in this response as I was bustin to beat the deadline myself.

I did just listen to both multiple times , jumping back & forth in musicmatch between the two in phrases. My kids thought I was losing it! " Daddy, why are you doing that to your song???? Your singing is alot better on this one!!" Ah, from the mouths of babes." I told them what I was doing and continued to musical play ping-pong with your mixes, #1 was my choice .

I just popped in to say very smooth indeed, solid musicianship here and very appealing song done with fine feeling.

The only things that bothered me ever so slightly was the cymbal was to out front and used a tad to much. The lead was ever so slightly buried in the intro, but this is purely nitpicking and preferential in nature.

I'm late as hell Pete..sorry. I know it's a done deal already:D , but I listened to trk #1..real nice tune dude..I mean that. No mixing comments from me, hell I can't even mix my own yet :D . Smooth vocals man! Me like'em. That lead has a very good hook to it, and sounds nice btw. Nice feeling on those vox man..real nice.