which do you prefer on an album...

I'm looking for personal opinions and some creative input....if your going to say weeell, different songs require different tones...dont bother posting

I wanted to hear from some "outside the box" thinkers...
creative input...not the answer that was already aparent to me.
You know? Something new and interesting from some people with quite a few more years experience than me. Maybe something that makes me say "Wow, Ive never thought of it like that."

The dumb ass thing - I ask you not to call me a dumb ass...you still do...
okay funny joke, I dont take offense to it - im over it.
but it makes me wonder who are the kids here...that kind of behavior can be expected from imature high schoolers like me.
Anyway - lets try to take the youngsters a bit more serious...maybe they actually want to learn something.
I dont think a song calls for anything...you can take it a million different directions and each one can be better or worse than the other.
If each of those directions can be better or worse than the other, then surely the song calls for the better directions rather than the worse directions.

Back to the initial question, as ever the answer is "it depends". For straight-ahead groups (i.e. rock, country, jazz, etc), it is conventional to use similar instrumentation throughout an album. In other genres such as electronica it'd normally be the opposite. Obviously there'd be commonality and continuity in the sounds but it probably wouldn't be because the same sounds were used throughout the album.
I should have made myself more clear...I thought I was talking to a 30 year old, not a prepubescent Jr. High school girl trying to make my life miserable for simply existing on the same planet. I asked you not to call me a dumbass, because it wasnt necessary and you still did. Are you flirting with me now? The whole rape thing just kinda makes me wonder...

Relax, mongoloid. Your initial post reeked of dumbassedness, so I called you a dumbass. Not because you are technically a dumbass, but because you come off as one. Maybe dumbass was the wrong word though. I should have used "douchebag". :D
God im such a mongoloid...using a computer and all...and being on a website devoted to some pretty advanced technology.
Good come back though...the douchebag part. Im glad that I was able to get a reaction from you.


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I dont think a song calls for anything...you can take it a million different directions and each one can be better or worse than the other.

Of course a song calls for things!!!!

You let the music dictate which snare or ride cymbal, etc. you're going to pull out and use... (ummm... you DID bring more than one of each to the recording session didn't you?) or how you're going to mic/muffle/remove front head of the kick... I'm not invited to every band's recording session (long story) and can't speak authoritively, but pretty much any drummer worth their salt will come equipped with an arsenal to experiment with.

Check out the line of snares (behind him in the shot) Peart used during the Test For Echo sessions:


And I'm lost... Are we back to it being ridiculous to call you a "dumbass" or childish or both?

Not that I was going to call you one... I'm playing Fantasy HomeRecording.com and trying to keep my players sorted out...

Of course a song calls for things!!!!

You let the music dictate which snare or ride cymbal, etc. you're going to pull out and use... (ummm... you DID bring more than one of each to the recording session didn't you?) or how you're going to mic/muffle/remove front head of the kick... I'm not invited to every band's recording session (long story) and can't speak authoritively, but pretty much any drummer worth their salt will come equipped with an arsenal to experiment with.

Check out the line of snares (behind him in the shot) Peart used during the Test For Echo sessions:


And I'm lost... Are we back to it being ridiculous to call you a "dumbass" or childish or both?

Not that I was going to call you one... I'm playing Fantasy HomeRecording.com and trying to keep my players sorted out...


I dont think its been childish yet - but ill work on that.
Greg L switched from dumbass to douchebag...and he seems to be the ringleader over this one so I'd go with douchebag.