Which 8-Channel Pre w/ADAT?

Bought the Octopre with ADAT option on EBAY for $560. That combo goes for $1000 new. Really nice sound with variable compression on each channel. Not sure I am syncing right with the RME host though.

That was a nice score on the Octopre. I've used them before, and they are nice sounding units.
I can't wait to get the whole thing working. I did have it set up wrong for sync though. Focusrite tech support got back to me in two days via email and set me straight: I was trying to clock from the RME to the Octopre (RME as master) via the ADAT optical, but I noticed LED's on the RME flickering, while the LOCK LED on the Octopre never went on. The simple reason being that the Octopre does not receive a signal via ADAT. It sends it. Duh! So I have two options: Make the Octopre the master or use the BNC connections on both units, with the Octo's Ext Sync button pressed. Thought I'd share that.

Props to Focusrite tech support, too.