Where to get started in song writing

After getting into this book I was amazed at what's really going on in a good poem.I'm working on not ryhming all the time,even though it seems to be in fashion right now as far as songs.

Ooh. ::cringe:: Sorry to tell you, Steve. Actually, what you thought was an increased understanding of poetry, was actually the death of your creative spark. Its a shame, you can't actually learn anything about poetry, art, or music from anyone but yourself. Thats a shame. Also, we replaced your heart with a baked potato. You have about 4 seconds to live. Really though, thats probably for the best. I mean, if you need to read about poetry you'll never understand. Which basically means your life is shit.</Sarcasm>

I might check that book out. One you might be interested in is In the Palm of Your Hand by Steve Kowitz. There are some good poems in there. Some exercises I really enjoyed, some that frustrated me, but all around worth reading. I still haven't finished it, actually. Started reading/writing through it when I was overseas, left the last few chapters untouched.
The book is actually very dry and technical so she just breaks down what she considers to be good poetry.I'm about half way through but something tells me I'll be reading the whole thing several times.

"And miles to go before we sleep".
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NO!!!! DON'T EVER BUY A BOOK ABOUT THAT! It could ruin you. =D poetry is yet another one of those things that can only be understood, and not taught. Chances are, if you need to read a book about poetry you don't understand it.

TerraMortim,I understand your point.If you are a songwriter who likes to read poetry then reading a book on the mechanics of it might be useless.But if you are like me,someone with very little experience writing lyrics and no experience reading poetry then a little knowledge might go a long way.I may never actually finish the book,but it gave me plenty to think about.I was only trying to make the point that songwriting and poetry are not all that related if you think about it.I will probably get into the book a little deeper,and then get off it and start reading regular poetry once in a while.