When / Where do I put the Gate / Compression ... all that. on Tape or during Mixdown?

did you write Lousy? that´s a good tune.
If you want some Steel Guitar or Lap Steel on something just let me know.
I have done that for a few friends Digitaly but I dont know how that would work Analog.
Unless it was a mixture of both... You record something on Analog and mix it to one Track to .wav Send me the .wav and I would do a dub and send you back two .wav files.... yours and mine and you could pump em back out to two tracks on Tape. or mix them together..to .. then you still have 3 tracks free...

What type of 4 track are you using?
did you write Lousy? that´s a good tune.
If you want some Steel Guitar or Lap Steel on something just let me know.
I have done that for a few friends Digitaly but I dont know how that would work Analog.
Unless it was a mixture of both... You record something on Analog and mix it to one Track to .wav Send me the .wav and I would do a dub and send you back two .wav files.... yours and mine and you could pump em back out to two tracks on Tape. or mix them together..to .. then you still have 3 tracks free...

What type of 4 track are you using?

Yeah, thanks. I love pedal steel. I definitely might want to do that on something. Yeah, I wrote "lousy" . That's a copy from a copy of a cassette tape so of poor quality. I was planning on redoing it and I didn't really finish it. That was recorded on a Tascam 38 but I'm now recording on an Ampex 440. I'm actually rerecording 3 of the songs on there.

Your recordings sound really well done. What did you record those on?
Thanks, that was digital though. I still do that but want to do my next project Analog.
Hey the Ampex machine looks very cool!!! Can you get parts over there?
ATR-60 Should I buy it?

There is an ATR-60 for sale here which I am going to have a look at.
The Heads all look very nice from the pictures. I will see more this weekend. Any info about these machines would be nice. it´s an 8 Track 1/2 inch. I could even test it at home if I wanted to. Any advice on what to look for on these machines as far as weak points?
Hi ,
I am not sure if I should be doing all the Noisegate / Compression and Co. while Recording or while Mixing. I am thinking mostly about but what do you all do?

I generally find that I don't need much signal processing at all on my tracks, especially when tracking and mixing to tape, which is almost always how I record. Maybe some compression on vocals, although the last few tracks had none. My tracking usually involves the Quick Sound Field, which provides a sort of acoustical compression at the mike, and this probably has an effect on how much electronic processing I need.

