When do sounds become a song or "tune"?

It's ok, calm down, everybody does that... :)

wow ..... and I never do that!

For me, I'll always have a melody and words totally in my head and once I've pretty much satisfied myself as to the lyrics, then I figure out what the chords must be.
wow ..... and I never do that!

For me, I'll always have a melody and words totally in my head and once I've pretty much satisfied myself as to the lyrics, then I figure out what the chords must be.

Ha, then you're in denial!!! :eek:
wow ..... and I never do that!

For me, I'll always have a melody and words totally in my head and once I've pretty much satisfied myself as to the lyrics, then I figure out what the chords must be.

I did it that way once. I was feeling really loving toward the wife, and started composing a song for her in my head. I got the melody and most of the lyrics composed in my head one Saturday morning, figured out the chords and programmed the MIDI backing by mid afternoon, and quickly layed in two guitar tracks in one take each. I was sitting down with paper and pad singing along with the recorded music and tweaking the lyrics when she came home from work and jumped in my shit for not mowing the lawn. I thinks it was 3 months later that I finally got around to recording the vocal.

I was sitting down with paper and pad singing along with the recorded music and tweaking the lyrics when she came home from work and jumped in my shit for not mowing the lawn. I thinks it was 3 months later that I finally got around to recording the vocal.


Most artists are not appreciated in thier lifetime. I think Bach's wife keep bitching at him to stop tinkering at that damn piano and get a real job:D
I did it that way once. I was feeling really loving toward the wife, and started composing a song for her in my head. I got the melody and most of the lyrics composed in my head one Saturday morning, figured out the chords and programmed the MIDI backing by mid afternoon, and quickly layed in two guitar tracks in one take each. I was sitting down with paper and pad singing along with the recorded music and tweaking the lyrics when she came home from work and jumped in my shit for not mowing the lawn. I thinks it was 3 months later that I finally got around to recording the vocal.


I wonder if you'll feel cheesy in a year or two... :D

A few years ago, my graduate class travelled to Tibet (yeah no kidding...really). Talk about a personal growth experience! I was always wanting to hear the Monks and their throat chants. I had no idea what they were singing, and could hear little structure in their sounds. Was it a rant, a chant, or music? I certainly would pay to hear it and I found it very soothing to listen to. Certainly this isn't music. If suddenly, throat chants were to become popular, would it be called music?

The cool thing, for me...it's my own experience. If it moves me,...that's my measure.
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When we recognise the hand of intervention upon the chaos of cacophony of organic sound – unless of course cacophony is the intention of the hand of intervention (Strawberry fields reverse tape) or the organic cacophony imitates order (Pulsar stars).

Within that range determination of songs or tunes is, as with all, down to education, experience, intelligence and sometimes innate automatic response.

Music is in the ear of the behearer

Yes sir/ma'am. I find my self in complete agreement with you.
It seems to me, a collection of sounds becomes a completed work when the artist believes it to be so. That does not mean others will percieve it to be a song or a valid artisitic statement - but only the artist can determine when his/her musical vision is complete.

I couldn't agree more.

The only caviat I would offer up would be, what was the artist's intentions?