What's your Tascam product?

I have a 246 Portastudio (bought used at Daddy's Junky Music in Albany, NY). I am just starting and am still getting gear together (2-track mixdown machine, etc.).

- Chaz
Tascm all my life. Period. What else was there at my budget?

I don't even remember the #'s of my first Teac gear, recorders included. What I do have now is My TSR-8, M-30 sync, M-3216 and my beloved 2488.

I think I've read all the digital recording box bashing I can stand. Sorry all you analog brothers and sisters but, I just can't afford to maintain the console and the RtoR anymore. For all my 45+ years of recording music, It's never been anything else but for the results you get from your pleasure and work documenting sound.

As a musician FIRST, engineer 2nd I can get more and better "results" faster, cleaner, less expensive and Ive allowed for about 70% more real-estate since owning and opperating my 2488. Once I got over the digital/menu type learning curves, (2-3 months) (and I have to admit it was painfull) everything started falling into place. I've never been more creative, had so much fun and have been more prolific.

I'm a performance driven musician. I don't like being held back. My huge ego can't tollerate mechanical setbacks. Going back to analog protocal would surely suffocate the creative juices that flow freely, spawned by inspiration.

That said, I am not avert to using my TSR-8 for specific apps. To me, It's all about results. Sonic and production. ;)
I bought my 414mkII a few months ago after getting fed up with spending more time configuring my daw than recording. I've had a great experience with my portastudio so far, and its portability and silence allows me to record nearly anywhere. :)
My Tascam products

I have had a 2488 about 8 months. Just got started using it & learning to use it about a month ago. This is my first venture into recording so there is a pretty large learning curve. I bought the DVD that Tascam SHOULD include with the 2488 & it really helped alot.
Started a basic recording class through the Junior College here in Champaign IL. Pogo Studio owned by Mark Rubel. This guy is a great teacher & you can tell that he is in the business because he loves it.
Anyway I am really starting to learn to use my 2488!

Dave Huffman

I've got an FW-1884. The thing sounds great, and will natively control my Cubase set-up.


I've had this 4 track for a few years and just got a software audio program (Magix Audio Studio) to burn CDs.

Of course I can't get the dadgum software to work. When I run my patch line into the LINE IN plug on my PC, I get sound fine, but when I record the audio as a wave, the sound is so faint on the PC, it's useless.

It's like going on a date with Pam Anderson and finding out that when her makeup gets warm, she really looks like Tommy Lee.