What's YOUR guitar rig like?

timmerman said:
It is fun to read that so many of you use sooo much gear. Before even opening the thread I already knew what I would find here.

I totally agree that it is fun to use a lot of different amps, effects, guitars and it also teaches you what each different brand does...............but do we sometimes feel it can all get in the way of making music?

Are there any people here who slim down their rig from time to time as over the years you may dicover that certain pedals/amps and ect. are really good while others may just be a gimmick?

Okay you may not like to admit it, but using all this stuff, and knowing how to use it well will take up a lot of your time, time which is already so sparse. You could use this time just to write songs on an acoustic and................

But then you may feel these songs need a recording, so you may like to buy some gear to make good recordings of your songs, and along with this may come more guitars, amps and effects, just to make better recordings, and before you know it your whole house is full of.....................yeah you know what eh? :D

Oh well it all sounds too familiar, but sometimes you may wish you could turn back to clock a bit................or just learn to control yourself :D


I sometimes use effects like an instrument like that duder from Rage Against the Machine, or just to give a different mood or shade to a particular part of a song, similar to david gilmour. But most of the time I dont use any effects. Why do you care anyways? Everyone makes music differently (or at least we should).
Some people look down on the use of lots of effects equipment, but I see it as just another tool that extends the freedom of creativity. Some songs I play with none of my effects pedals on. Other songs, I'll be switching like crazy as I play. Using effects does not make someone any more or less of a musician. Now it may mean that i'm not as technically profficient on the guitar, but if it gets me the sound I want, I'm willing to temporarily sacrifice a little guitar skill for some effects skill.
I'm a minimalist in a slightly different way, I use a distortion pedal but only because my amp doesn't make it for me, and because a lot of people I know don't have good amps, so I can often bring the pedal over to their houses to play. I'm going crazy for my doubleshot distortion. but my whole setup is:

Ibanez Noodles Signature (same as in my avatar)
Doubleshot Distortion
Crybaby wah, but I never use it, it gets annoying after awhile
Some crate amp (has decent clean and spring reverb) , don't know which one, don't care anymore... :rolleyes:
Hard2Hear said:
Well after years of screwing around with gadgets and trying to hide my playing I finally learned how to play guitar.
God bless you! :p

I have a ton of stompy junk I collect, but I have the sense never to actually use it. I buy it out of curiosity about the circuits and because buying stomps out of curiosity takes up less space than buying amps and guitars out of curiosity.

For me, this is progress. I have a house full of gear I never, ever use.

As I say, living alone in a house with thirty-eight guitars and a cat is better than living alone in a house with thirty-eight cats and a guitar, but it's the same theme and a definite danger signal. :o
"a" guiitar rig?

An LP Deluxe with Seymour Duncans or a Gretsch Country Gent through a Carvin XV100 with a Torres tone kit or a Musicman HD130 Reverb w 2-12 cab or a Silvertone Twin Twelve, or a Carvin LB20 or a Jazz Bass copy or an Ibanez 5-string through an Ampeg B15N or an Ampeg B100R or the Musicman into a Hartke 410XL, and then there's the pedal steel, and the lap steel, and the occasional wah, or fuzz pedal, or whatever it takes.

And then's there's the acoustics, and the Dobro....
lpdeluxe said:
...an Ampeg B100R...
What do you think of this one?

I recently picked up a nice little BA-112 new for $159.99 at a Guitar Center closeout as a bedroom amp, and it's a gem from the new Arkansas plant, but they have a mint used B-100R there that I think I can bag cheap and looks interesting.
'84? model Mashall Artist 30 head with 4x10 cab. '87 St. Blues (Strings and Things) Blues King (strat) with EMG SA pickups. Footswitch and cord.
*Guitar/Jackson DMKG w/ Reverse Headstock *Amplifier/1992 Randall PT2000/100 Watts/All Tube/Sylvania 6L6 GC Pwr.Tubes/Sovtek Pre.Tubes *Speaker Cabs/Peavey 412/Installed 4 Celestion GL 35 Watt Speakers/Randall Warhead 412/Celestion Vintage 30's/Both Straight Cabs *Morley Wah Pedal(The Old Silver Gas Pedal)
Looks like most of us.............

First some response to what some of you wrote before:

Spoonie g--------Using effects as tools ....."to give a different mood or shade to a particular part of a song" Oh yes I totally agree with that but what about if you did not have these effects, do you think you would come up with some cool part on the guitar which may emulate the idea what you are going for with the effect?

Okay I am going to mention something which some of you may find irrelevant here: When you play solo-guitar pieces on an acoustic you use just your fingers and the guitar to create all the parts, and within your playing you may use all kinds of techniques to get the feeling across such as string-bending, slides, scraping the stings ect. Then when you would make a recording of this solo-guitar piece you may want to add some electric parts there where you use effects. The result may be that the whole song has changed because of these additional parts. Song is not any better or worse for this matter, just a bit different.

What I am trying to say is: you could play the song without any effects and just get around it, or you could bring in all the toys and use them. Sometimes the toys may give you so many choices that it becomes hard to see what you could do and then using just one straight guitarsound may be easier, and you playingtechnique [and your imagination] will just make up for "using only one sound"

My reply is far too long but I am sure you know what I mean eh?

Okay next reply to

Sile2001: "......."tool to extend the freedom of creativity" Yep so true, effects also make you play differently, as the sound will dictate more or less what you can do. We all are aware of this eh? Try playing very fast while the delay is on a long delay setting without creating a mush..........see what I mean? So do not need to carry on here about this one.

Hey Ibanexrocks what is the "Utra-Cool Brigade?" I saw this in your sign. and have seen it in others as well but haven't got a clue where it stands for. Is it perhaps some kind of joke or a cool place to hang out?

Now to the coolest post so far which was from Bongolation.

Hey man you should have far more Rep Power with all those posts under your belt, also I like what you are saying and perhaps a woman in the house could cure the scenario of "living alone with thirty-eight guitars and one cat" :D

So as it seems it looks like most of us could take out several rigs for any given occassion which is great as it is all about choice. Also it seems when it comes to gigging that most folks just like to keep it simple: Just one guitar a cool amp and maybe one or two effectboxes. When it comes to the studio we may all like to go a little overboard, but there is nothing wrong with that eh?

Okay my favourite rig at the moment?......no do not laugh here as I can see that................ :D It is a Guyatone through a Marshall MS4 while using a TS9 and a Sansamp bassdriver to add some tonal variety. The TS9 is there to add some boost and the Sansamp bassdriver is to add some "Valvefeel" to the whole set-up. Needeless to say that I can not do gigs with this rig---not enough volume here---- [unfortunately, as I really dig the sound]

You know what.......Those Marshall MS4's all sound different: I have two of them and one has more bass while the other one is more trebly. Great just like a great Marshall Superlead. I sure had a ball testing out all those little Marshalls in the shop, you should have seen those folks in the shop thinking: "What the hell is he on"...............Aagh well it is all about tone eh? and we all know what we like so why not find all those corners from those amps.

Needless to say that tomorrow I could give you a different set-up of another favourite rig, but that goes for most of you.

Have a ball playing

Carvin Bolt Strat or Yamaha SG into Carvin ValveMaster 2x12 amp or Fender Super Reverb.

Sometimes run through Dunlop Wah, Danelectro Chorus, Jekyl & Hyde ODDist

Usually straight to amp with slight natural tube amp overdrive and a kiss of reverb.

timmerman said:
First some response to what some of you wrote before:

Spoonie g--------Using effects as tools ....."to give a different mood or shade to a particular part of a song" Oh yes I totally agree with that but what about if you did not have these effects, do you think you would come up with some cool part on the guitar which may emulate the idea what you are going for with the effect?


If I didn't have the effect(s), I would play the song anyways, it would be the same, but different. It would be the same notes, but there's no way I can mimic a chorus or a wah, etc. However, I've easily gotten by on acoustic sessions plenty of times with no problem. The only people I would assume it bothers are the ultra-anal. I can respect you for not using effects, but don't look down on others that do use them simply because they do. What it comes down to is the song, not what we use to create it.
right now Im diggin' a 66 Ampeg 12XT{50 watt portaflex w/2 12's} and a Les Paul Special with a Rat or Distorion+..Rock n Roll :) I got a bunch of other options at the studio..Man I need a gig :D
My rig consists of whatever I can get my hands on, which is, at this current time:
Either a Les Paul single or double-cut into either a Mesa F-30 or a Boss GT6 into a Carvin XV-212.

I may own way too many pedals and rack gear, but I've found if I do need any, the GT6 takes the cake for that (only with the Carvin. The Mesa runs by itself, no effects, no nothing, just tone).