What's your CURRENT favorite radio hook???

thanks Kramer...

meanwhile, back at the origial topic... :D

demensia... "So Lay Down" is from Chevelle's "The Red". Good hook too.

Doug... Yeah... I agree he shouldn't have switched the lyrics around at the end of that song. It didn't fit at all. Another thing I noticed about that song is that it was so poorly edited. You can totally tell that he didn't sing that chorus all in one breath. It almost chops the word "hate" off before he's even done singing it. Not surprising though, with the lousy production standards these days. I prefer the verse of that song over the chrous, believe it or not.

See what I mean.You actually believe there are songs on the radio with good hooks.What a sheep you are.LMAO!:D :p
Some of my favourite recent hooks

tune by pod? I think "...these wounds they will not heal..."
that "Been a while" tune I thought was killer, nice wall of guitars
the "if I don't make it, don't cry" tune which I thought was Billy
"Steve McQueen" by Cheryl Crow
And, sad as it might seem, "Complicated" (I like Allannis too)

That Grave Digger tune rocks. That line "rode his bike like the devil till the day he died" rips my heart out and hands it to me.

Kramer said:
See what I mean.You actually believe there are songs on the radio with good hooks.What a sheep you are.LMAO!:D :p
I'm assuming you're joking. :p

Define "good". Good means what? Good to you? Good in general? Good according to what..? most people...? some people...? a few people...? the "musical elite"...?

'how bout this... Some schmuck who can barely form a G chord on the fret board gets lucky enough to write a song with a chorus that is so catchy, people just love listening to it over and over. The aforementioned schmuck and his schmuck band gets signed, they sell a million albums because the hook in the chorus of that one song is enough to carry the entire album. He is now a rich and famous schmuck.

Now... Is he still a schmuck...? Yes. Was the album crap...? Yes. Was it over-compressed... and sanitized... and packaged like every other album and played incessantly every five minutes on the radio...? Yes.

But does that mean it wasn't a good hook?


And if it wasn't for how good that one hook was, he'd still be just another schmuck, sittin' around trying to learn how to play a G chord, and complaining about how much mainstream music sucks.


I can't recall the last time I turned on a radio to listen to music, it's been a long time though. It's all preformatted payola crap.
I'm not surprised. I knew there would be a hue and cry on this topic by those who insist everything on the radio is insipid commercialized product.

What amazes me is how militant their stance is. You guys are missing some really cool music.

Ya, watching the awards shows makes me sick too. The culture of the biz is horrid. But among all the schlock are some real gems; artists who do have integrity and have worked hard to attain commercial succes. Sting. Maktub. Jason Mraz. etc. Those guys write unconventional songs that still have great commercial appeal.

Furthermore, don't forget that a lot of the songs you hear the shcmaltzy pop stars singing were actually written by unknowns in the trenches trying to cobble together a living one song at a time. Don't let your hatred of Brittney Spears blind you to a good song.

There are a lot of phenominal bands and artists out there that are relatively unknown: King's X, Bela Fleck and the Flecktones, etc. For whatever reason it doesn't seem like they've gotten the recognition they deserve. MIxed in with all the mainstream radio pap there are some really great bands and artists who are getting commercial success they deserve.

You can't hold that against them. Being commercially successful and being a fantastic musician aren't mutually exclusive.

got mojo?
Hey WATYF, I gues the 'happier than you' under your name is not correct. I mean, Jeez, you should get yourself a beer! :cool: Or change to 'more stressed than you'. :D

But as you said: 'He is now a rich and famous schmuck'! What's the point in studying music for 836 years if that doesn't make you rich? A hobby? That's good for me, but if you want to make real money with music you have to make songs to ordinary people (even if the song sucks) and not to show off to other musicians.

You can improve your skills later, and maybe on the second album you can make a song with G chord! :D :D :D
BloodShark said:
Hey WATYF, I gues the 'happier than you' under your name is not correct. I mean, Jeez, you should get yourself a beer! :cool: Or change to 'more stressed than you'. :D
What on earth are you talking aboot?

LOL... I'm actually surprised at how long this went before the "every single song on the radio is worthless garbage" crowd started showing up. :p Oh well... you gotta try. :D

Aaron Cheney said:
Being commercially successful and being a fantastic musician aren't mutually exclusive.
Amen to that. I don't know where people got the idea that anything that makes it to radio must, by default, be worthless. Maybe it's just all those failed songwriters/musicians oat there trying to make themselves feel better aboot not "making it". :D

When tough little boys grow up to be dads
They turn into big babies again

Sung by Gary Allen
Written By: Harley Allen & Don Sampson

It's so obvious, yet genious. Why didn't I think if it? :( :D
That matchbox 20 song Unwell is super catchy. That song has it all: A really cool opening riff on whatever that stringed instrument is, great vocal lines, and a killer hook and the melody it's sung to is perfect.
Vendetta Red

My favorite Radio Hook has got to be

"Shatterday" by Vendetta Red
Nik D said:
That matchbox 20 song Unwell is super catchy. That song has it all: A really cool opening riff on whatever that stringed instrument is, great vocal lines, and a killer hook and the melody it's sung to is perfect.

I've been saying preaching that to anyone who will listen. I think Matchbox 20's songwriter knows what very few people know. CATCHY and that' why they are the best selling in their genre.
I was gonna say something about never listening to the radio....and I get paid to review music and write articles.

But then I thought of an album I found after hearing it on the radio.

Band:Jim's Big Ego
Song:They're Everywhere

Great intro, feel, rhythm. Well engineered in my mind.

Sounds like They Might be Giants back before they started making kids music.
CyanJaguar said:
I've been saying preaching that to anyone who will listen. I think Matchbox 20's songwriter knows what very few people know. CATCHY and that' why they are the best selling in their genre.

You guys aren't the first I've heard to say that but for the life of me, I can't figure out why? I don't hear catchy with them... I hear catchy with bands like Cake and Ben Folds.
matchbox hooky

well matchbox 20 are catchy but they also say something with most of their lyrics i cite "back to good"man this song was well written maybe not one of their most catchy but a good song and someone asked earlier what the instrument on "unwell" was it's a six string banjo you tune them and play them just like a regular guitar Deering Banjo makes them ....peace
Bands like Matchbox 20 and Sugar Ray have this tremendous talent of writing hooks... It's amazing how they can take one progression and write 4 amazing hooks on top of it, in the same song. It's not my favourite music, but there's a certain kind of talent there.

I like Interpol, I think the song is NYC, "Sleep tight, dream right, we have 200 couches where you can sleep tight, dream right..." or something like that.
One of my ongoing favorite hook songs is "Innervision" by System of a Down. Love that song, still crank it up (if anyone ever plays it). Somehow, they made the entire SONG a hook.

"Liberate" by Disturbed is still good.

Also liked the recent Jane's Addiction song... think it was called "Just Because"... especially the upper guitar hook. Disappeared faster than a UFO in Roswell, but liked it while it was spinning.

I still enjoy "Clocks" by Colplay... that's one song they'll still be spinning at dances and on retro shows years from now. Behold the power of E Flat!

John Mayer's new song sounds promising... has a bit more of an edge to it. We'll see how that goes.
speaking of T.O.A.D,

their song CHOP SUEY is a huge wildcard. Unfortunately, I dont like the lyrics so I try not to listen.