What's you nex major purchase??

"Just added" counts!! Any particular reason you have them sitting on the outside of your tower speakers? I would think 4" drivers would be better suited on top of the console as nearfields. But I might be stereo-typing (pun unintentional).... :facepalm:
Just for the record, the woofers are -- 6" (? Yeah, they're 6's). And they're not designed for the near-field (they're standard dispersion, standard throw, and absolutely gigantic-sounding at 105dB). Although I'm sure they'd work well in the near-field.

I've got them to the outside as a "handicap" of sorts -- I wanted a "real-world" reference for clients. But I kept using speakers that sounded like NS10's (including some near-field units, the latest being Hafler M5's which are as worthless as teats on a bull once you're more than a few feet away). The placement isn't ideal (which is fine - placement isn't ideal in most rooms and the excessive trapping lets me get away with a bit of wiggle-room), the height isn't ideal (same thing), but they have the added benefit of actually sounding like reference speakers (I still have no idea why people buy near-field monitors).

And my goodness... If you could hear these things unleashed... It's a rare thing to have this kind of sound coming out of boxes this size. I'm using a fairly humble (60WRMSpc) Bryston 2B-LP and half the time when you kick 'em hard, you'd swear there was a sub in the room.

Actually had the first "oops" moment this morning (was it yesterday morning?) when I was editing and sequencing and didn't realize I had the D4M's on for a while.
My next purchases are already done. But they're kits :cool: So I have them but I don't...

I bought 6 channels of JLM Audio preamps to build. 4 channels of clean (Baby Animal Neutrals), and 2 "personality" channels (Baby Animals with John Hardy 990C op-amps and Carnhill in / out transformers).

Unfortunately I won't get time to touch them until I take some leave in September :(

I just made my next purchase
Saw a pair of used Speck ASC EQs and got them out the door for under $800 for the pair. When I got them unpacked I found one of them was the model with the added transformer option so that's even cooler. I've been weening myself off the plugin treadmill as much as I can recently and these fit the bill quite nicely

That's two channels of SSLish EQ for less than the price of a single XRack EQ unit plus I don't have to buy and XRack or a Mynx to put them in

The only disappointment is no HP/LP filters but hey what are you gonna do and at this price they are great. I guess I can put software HPF/LPF like the Satson channel on the track before I send out to compressor and these EQs if I have to
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Next thing I really want, would be a new bass. But that's gonna take me down a good £3000 at least. I think what I'll probably go for are some monitors and a new desk. Possibly build my own desk to save some pennies. As well as be able to get exactly what I want out of it.

I have a lot of stuff on a huge shopping list though. New MIDI keyboard. Rack mounted synth module. Guitar. Guitar amp. More mics. Drum kit. Add another interface. Upgrade graphics card. ;D I could go on with the things I need. Recording at home is expensive. =P Haha.
I know man, It never ends once you get the disease.......


My "future purchase" list gets longer all the time....not because a desperately need a piece of gear...but just because it is an illness. :D

If I was going to think about my next "major" gear purchase, I guess it would have to be a console upgrade...especially now that I picked up a 2" 24-track tape machine.
My existing console is still fully operational, and still serves me quite well (hopefully for a good number of years to come)...and I have enough spare channels and spare power supply, so worst case is at some point I may do some re-capping when needed...
...but I would love to get a more up-scale console, something a class or two above.
My next major purchase is a vocal coach... lessons start Friday :p

then probably an RNC or RNLA
My next major purchase is a vocal coach... lessons start Friday :p

then probably an RNC or RNLA

Still have 2 or 3 of each Wes let me know.
All out of vocal coaches though - could have sworn that there were still a few left buried in the basement.
Committed to the purchase of a Presonus Eureka this coming Friday. Looking forward to less live playing and more recording here soon. :)
Besides all smaller purchases (Audix D6, Beyer M201 TG, guitar picks :D) I decided to go after Klein+Hummel O800 sub.
If things keep going the way they have been for the last month or so my next major purchase will be a new studio computer. The current one is about to be placed under the wheels of the truck.
