What's limiting YOUR recordings??

What's the weakest link in your recordings?

  • My recording chain (mics, pres, etc)

    Votes: 156 18.4%
  • My monitoring chain (monitors, phones)

    Votes: 66 7.8%
  • My room(s)

    Votes: 258 30.4%
  • My own ability

    Votes: 368 43.4%

  • Total voters
Me...definitely me. I've got a good room, good equipment...just a serious lack of experience. Know where I can download some?

Fire Dome said:
Not having a clone. :mad:
So that they can keep an eye on all the levels while i'm playing/recording. This is especially difficult when you are a drummer.


Ditto. I've found that it's extremely difficult to record alone. First of all. I had to learn the software. Then it takes a lot of patience and will power to sit down and be creative with no one present. Then, you have to play and run the recording program! It's all crazy, but at least I'm getting somewhere now...
About the marriage thing...

Hi all,

It's been a while since I've visited. I read some of the replies to my marriage comment, and just wanted to add the following:

I was just kidding about the wife making you sell your stuff, you know? It just seems like all my married guy friends and guy relatives have had to sell all their toys whenever the marriage needs arise, or right after they said "I do". It just seems like it's always the guy selling his stuff, and not the girl. So I hope I didn't offend anyone.

I think it's great that you married guys do have supportive wives. Besides more gear, what more could you ask for? Ha ha ha.

I really don't want to get married, but maybe I'll change my mind when I meet the right girl who I know, deep down, will take really good care of my house after the divorce. Ha ha ha ha.

Just kidding again.
christiaan said:
My room is seriously keeping me from recording. Too small, too crowded and too noisy and no ways to improve it unless I find a bigger house/apartment (which I hope to do next year).
I'll never learn the art of recording properly in this dump. :(

exactly the same for me too
1 Artists (good compositions and well played instruments)
2 Instruments (things should sound right before recording)
3 Time (to experiment with setups and time for the artists)
4 Knowlegde (that will be the engineer)
5 Taste (what kind of recording fits the style)
6 Space (suitable acoustics and quiet monitor place)
7 gear (nice pre's, mic's and recording device for a natural and relaxed sound)
[EDIT] I now feel that, along with my own abilities, my room is limiting my recording/production work. I have NO ISOLATION!
Well, I voted "My own ability." The equipment I'm using is far from top notch so I can't even say what difference the room makes. On the other hand, I feel there is still room to improve in what I get out from my humble gear.
I am more and more heading towards my instruments as well as my room. My ability is much better, I've made quality recordings with quality gear in quality rooms, but i'm getting a little narked by the crapness of my acoustic guitar and the lack of sound treatment.
"Time" and "all of the above" should have been choices as well.
Did someone already say that? Is there an echo in here?

Oh well, I haven't been around much lately and am looking for an excuse to post nonsense of some kind...

Back to work (not the fun kind either).
does anybody have any experience with mic preamps and/or compressors in the signal chain before a hard disk type workstation like the Boss Zoom etc. And would you use the wimpy rca line in or mic inputs?
Inspired said:
Ditto. I've found that it's extremely difficult to record alone. First of all. I had to learn the software. Then it takes a lot of patience and will power to sit down and be creative with no one present. Then, you have to play and run the recording program! It's all crazy, but at least I'm getting somewhere now...

Really? You don't find other people a little....distracting? I do my best work alone!! I don't like other people around when I get down to buisiness. I don't even enjoy recording other people unless I am getting paid. Running the program, playing all the parts, singing the lines, creating the whole song, and mixing it down, with no distractions.....ahhhh.....THAT is joy and happiness. :D
Zed10R said:
Really? You don't find other people a little....distracting? I do my best work alone!! I don't like other people around when I get down to buisiness. I don't even enjoy recording other people unless I am getting paid. Running the program, playing all the parts, singing the lines, creating the whole song, and mixing it down, with no distractions.....ahhhh.....THAT is joy and happiness. :D

The first couple of times maybe. After that I find it a chore.
I'm gonna have to say my room. Small, boxy, full of equipment. I'm going to begin construction on a studio in my backyard in the next few weeks so I see no point in treating it.

But I'm sure some people could make much better recordings than I can with the same equipment.

Also, I have no pre-amps other than those in my Mackie.

Oh yeah, I'm married with a son and a full-time job. Was 'time' an option??
It's the room. . . and the neighbors

The houses in my neighborhood for some reason tend to have really thin walls, so any noise whatsoever travels very easily. I'm set up in my garage, and planning on building an enclosed area using 2x4's and mdf so I'll have a place to crank my marshall jcm2000(haven't gotten it past 3 without giving all my roommates a headache.) Got the idea from amptone.com, weeeeeee. I've got a Boss BR1600CD on the way from ebay, so I can't wait to get all over that! But yeah, up until now it's been the room that's been my inhibitor.
noisedude said:
So tell me - in all honesty - where is the bottleneck in the quality chain of your recordings? What needs to be upgraded or replaced FAST?

I voted for myself :eek: :eek: :cool:

Me too. I just got bought my project studio and have a lot of learning to do. I know the sounds I want, I've been in studios recording before and know a bit, but once I know the in's and out's of Protools, I will be deadly!

My room is small, but workable.
My recording chain, mics and preamps are good.
My monitors were not expensive, but good.
