What is the cheapest source for the C-1?


So what do I think of these mics?

Well so far I love what the C1 does for my voice (reedy, tenor voice ala Don Henley). This was my primary reason for buying it. It was a great purchase for MY voice. As is often pointed out the match between a voice and a mic is highly subjective and idiosyncratic. This one works for me. The vocals I've done so far have come out full but with a nice clarity, no muddiness in the mids and highs. I really like the complexities the mic captures when singing close, a couple of inches or so, all the nuances are right there. It really allows a singer to work with tone and dynamics with a smooth and consistent response from the mic. Further away from the mic and you still get that fullness but with a very natural sense of space even when the vocal is more energetic and pushed.

I haven't had much time to to do more than vocal tracks with it yet but I'll be getting around to recording some instruments this weekend; acoustic guitar, piano, elec. guitar and bass cabs. That's why I got the pair. I want to see what other applications besides vocals these mics will be suited for.

I don't have any U**s, or other great mics to compare it to and, as was described in another C1 thread, I probably fall into the pond scum classification. For me it's musicianship first, engineering second. When I have a few thousand to throw around I throw it at new instruments. And even if I did have some high-end, expensive mics I don't think I would feel the need to compare them since it only seems to bring out the flame throwers :) IMHO, if you can't get this mic to perform well and fit a mix then, well, you've probably got some other problems in your way.

Bottom line: this mic gives me the sound I was looking for. I can stop scheming about how to get my hands on a high quality mic and I can stop dreaming of what it would do for my music, I now know.

Amen to that!
