What gear do you regret not buying?

Regrets, I've had a few...but then again not that many.

GAS (gear acquisition syndrome) It's not the bow, it's the indian.

Ton of toys I've wanted that I have not bought but I have a pretty cool set up and it works..

Kind of run with the old depression motto...

Use it up, wear it out, make due or do without.

It's just what Madison Ave wants us to do...consume...desire, you need it, you want it...but only if you knew why
I had talked to the guy on the phone that evening, but I had to go to some "mandatory fun" I couldn't get out of, it was a race for time and to beat the other guy who called too. I split at the earliest moment but when I got back home as soon as I could "the cat from Van Nuys" bought it: a Mellotron for $500.00.
Oh, and a funky looking EKO bass, and I think a Gretsch Chet Atkins Special for $300. (that might have been sold prior) My best friend from high school and one time band mate joined a cult and all the rock and roll stuff had to go. He couldn't hang out with me anymore, but still didn't want me corrupted, so he gave the stuff away to other folks (who I guess he didn't care if they got corrupted.. .):facepalm: That part may sound funny, but the rest still is pretty fucked up. Whoever got the bass can keep it, His family and I would rather have my friend back...
Not to get too philisophical about it, because I'm not really....and I don't know how to spell "philisophical" anyway.

But I don't regret not having bought anything. For years, I couldn't afford much, so I made due with what I had. Lately, I've been able to afford shit, so I appreciate it so much more.

In the last few months, I bought a new computer, an SG, a mic that I just ordered, got a new interface sent to me, bought a beautiful new pair of studio monitors, changed all the skins on my kit, and probably a few other things I can't remember right now, as well as non-musical stuff I could never afford to do before, like fix up my car, buy some furniture, etc.....If I was always able to afford all that stuff, I would be so jaded and it would be so mundane. Now, I buy something new, fall in love with it and really appreciate it.

I also don't have one penny of debt, don't own a credit card, do own my car, have no payments other than rent, utilities, food, etc.....and have more money in the bank than I ever had in my life, even when I was in my 20's, which was the last time in my life I was able to save a lot of money. Unfortunately, back then, I was stupid enough to blow it all, which isn't going to happen again.

It makes you appreciate things to the point that I want to spread it. When I get my new mic delivered, I want to give away the one I have now, rather than sell it. Far cry from about 5 years ago when I remember having to sell a pre-amp just to make rent. :eek:

It's a beautiful thing. :)
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^^^^^^^^^^^Hehe....Second time in about 24 hours I go through a "life story" rant. I guess I'm just excited about all the new gear I'm getting lately. I'll stop now. :)
Not to get too philisophical about it, because I'm not really....and I don't know how to spell "philisophical" anyway.

But I don't regret not having bought anything. For years, I couldn't afford much, so I made due with what I had. Lately, I've been able to afford shit, so I appreciate it so much more.

In the last few months, I bought a new computer, an SG, a mic that I just ordered, got a new interface sent to me, bought a beautiful new pair of studio monitors, changed all the skins on my kit, and probably a few other things I can't remember right now, as well as non-musical stuff I could never afford to do before, like fix up my car, buy some furniture, etc.....If I was always able to afford all that stuff, I would be so jaded and it would be so mundane. Now, I buy something new, fall in love with it and really appreciate it.

I also don't have one penny of debt, don't own a credit card, do own my car, have no payments other than rent, utilities, food, etc.....and have more money in the bank than I ever had in my life, even when I was in my 20's, which was the last time in my life I was able to save a lot of money. Unfortunately, back then, I was stupid enough to blow it all, which isn't going to happen again.

It makes you appreciate things to the point that I want to spread it. When I get my new mic delivered, I want to give away the one I have now, rather than sell it. Far cry from about 5 years ago when I remember having to sell a pre-amp just to make rent. :eek:

It's a beautiful thing. :)

hee hee hee, someday you'll have kids and will have to teach them how to appreciate what they have even when you want to give them everything. Most don't get it until they have to make the kind of sacrifices you made to stay afloat.

I regret buying the BBE Sonic Maximizer plug many years ago. I was a newb and thought it was the missing ingredient to a better sounding mix. :laughings:
hee hee hee, someday you'll have kids and will have to teach them how to appreciate what they have even when you want to give them everything. Most don't get it until they have to make the kind of sacrifices you made to stay afloat.
:D No thanx. I have 2 cats that I love more than I can imagine loving anything. I've "almost" had 5 kids in my life. Either god decided otherwise, or someone else did. I would now have a 30 year old kid with the girlfriend I had when I was in my early 20's. Thank god that didn't happen, that would be one fucked up kid. :eek: I've got nothing against people that have kids and I do believe that 99% of people truly love their kids. But I'm also convinced that even out of that 99%, 50% of them would do it differently if they had to do it again. I don't regret anything about my life, even the stupid decisions, because I'm not stuck with any of them. I walked away from pretty much every mistake I've made....with my head held high.:)

I regret buying the BBE Sonic Maximizer plug many years ago. I was a newb and thought it was the missing ingredient to a better sounding mix. :laughings:
I once bought the hardware version of one of those, for the same reason as you. In fact, I think it was the first plug-in I ever bought too.
I've always been a sucker for Silverburst Les Paul Customs. I love them. It's like looking at a black and white photo in real life. About 10 years ago I had one in my hand and my other hand was reaching for my wallet. At the last second I thought "I really should get some drums instead". I needed new drums worse than a LP Custom. So I got drums a little while later. I don't regret it really, I love my drums and have since gotten all kinds of bad ass guitars....including a different Les Paul.....but I still think about Silverburst Customs and when I see one, I wet my pants a little.
I've always been a sucker for Silverburst Les Paul Customs. I love them. It's like looking at a black and white photo in real life. About 10 years ago I had one in my hand and my other hand was reaching for my wallet. At the last second I thought "I really should get some drums instead". I needed new drums worse than a LP Custom. So I got drums a little while later. I don't regret it really, I love my drums and have since gotten all kinds of bad ass guitars....including a different Les Paul.....but I still think about Silverburst Customs and when I see one, I wet my pants a little.
Had to Google Silverburst Les Paul Custom. Very cool. Not even sure if I've ever seen one in person, and I've played with a lot of guitar players in my life. I've obviously seen Sunburst a million times, but Silverburst is rare. Very cool, retro look.
Had to Google Silverburst Les Paul Custom. Very cool. Not even sure if I've ever seen one in person, and I've played with a lot of guitar players in my life. I've obviously seen Sunburst a million times, but Silverburst is rare. Very cool, retro look.

Yeah they are cool. What's really cool are the actual original Silverburst models from like the late 70s/early 80s. They have all faded into a weird grayish green color.
