<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by nandho:
I want to mount a home-studio, but I have only $5,000 for this. I'm thinking to buy all equipments in the E-bay site, as the products may be cheapest. What do I need? I'm only a musician, not an engineering. I want a 16 track one, It should be sufficient for me. Note that an used equipment can be found for a less than half of list prices, so I think I can purchase a multitracker, for example, for about $2,000, when it costs over $4000, brand new. If it's possible with $5000, what more equipments do I need to get a professional sound?
Sorry for my english,
Fernando Campos<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>
Your English is just fine! Much better than I could communicate in your Language! Hahaha
Here's what I did:
I bought the following:
(2) DA-38 tascam Digital 8-tracks ($1,800.00 each NEW at musican's friend)
(1) Mackie 16x4 VLZ Rackmount mixer.(about $1,000.00 in a local music store)
This puts you at about $4,600.00 plus tax and shipping but you'll need Cables Mic's and any effects so it doesn't leave you much for that.
Originally, I ordered a Behringer Rackmount 16x4 Eurorack mixer (the 3242 or whatever it is-it's 16 INLINe channels, or 32 channels for mixdown). I was waiting for months, and the day that it was supposed to show up(Nov. 5th, 1999), it didn't. I called Musican's Friend, and they said, "it won't be in until
Dec. 29th, 1999".
I cancelled it, walked into my local music store and bought mackie then and there on the spot.
I bought 16 Y cords, and I have the recordes hooked up through my 16 channels via the Patch point. This isn't the greatest method-since all EQ'ing and effects have to be done AFTER it's on tape.
I then purchased a Carvin 8 Mic,8 Line stereo mixer(The Studio Mate, about $299.00) which I run my Drum mic's through. (2 kicks, Snare, and a Radioshack PZM on the ceiling for an overhead) I use the 2 effect send on this little mixer to send my Kick and Snare to individual tracks, and just use the Left out of the Stereo send for my Mono Composite. I mix the Mono by itself to sound good-then, I send my individual sends to the other 2 tracks.
Entire drumkit on 3 tracks, and it sounds great. No "Left and right panning of the toms"-but I don't care about that.
But, what I was going to say-is that I haven't used more than 8 Tracks yet!
I would have been better off putting that $1,800.00 dollars that went on the second
DA-38, into some Mikes, Cables, and Compressors. Because my Cabeling wound up costing me $600.00 bucks!
I Bought HOSA Snakes(4 of them cost me like $38.00 each, Y cords( $10 eace for 16 of them) and a Patchbay, and a ton of 3' and 6' Patch cables.
I also bought a Behringer Virtualizer. Not bad, but I originally thought that it was going to be more of a "REAL Multi-effect" like an ART (6 effects at once per channel).
So it's not cheap-=but I could have gotten a few new mics, or at least 1 good Condenser or something like that. I'm still using my old mics, which I had from running sound.
Sorry this is so long.
Especially since this is my first post on here.