Shakey (sorry but your "real" name is just too long)- Do you mean that one can use a MotorMix control surfaces with Logic...? Cool, I wasn't aware of that.
Nandho - The total number of channels is not dependent on the soundcard but rather on the computer's power. The number of channels listed in the soundcard specs is _simultaneous_ channels in/out. Mine, and many many others, for example has 8 line channels in and line 8 out. This means that I can record 8 different sound sources at once on separate channels, at the same time as I'm sending eight channels to an external mixer (or whatever) if I wanted. The total number of channels is far more than that as long as one isn't using too many different effects on each and all channels.
Here's an example scenario.
First you record the drum tracks. 8 mics max. This gives you 8 separate channels in the computer and you can add effects and pan them left/right or whatever independently of each other. In many mixing programs, you can also send them to a stereo bus as you would on a “real” mixer.
Then you record bass. That’s one more tracks or several if you record double-bassJ
Next guitars. One lead, one backing guitar and some solo licks. This gives you 3 more tracks in the computer.
Next is the lead vocals. You stereo mic these and also use two mics for picking up the room ambiance better. That’s four more tracks.
Then for the backing vocals. Say that you have three singers with one mic each. That’s another three tracks
Etc. with dolphin noises, rain sticks and chainsaws until your computer says NO!
You have never exceeded the number of channels on your soundcard and have done all the mixing in the computer. In the above scenario, you have… many tracks, and as long as your computer can manage, there’s no limit to the number of tracks. Some mixing programs may have a limit in themselves but I would guess that no program has a limit lower than 99 tracks. As for out channels. The most commons is of course to mix to a stereo file so you would really only need two channels out. There may be scenarios when you want to use mor out channels and for example mix on a “real” mixer console or whatever.
The MotorMix control surface that you can use with Digi001 and Logic… and maybe even more, can as far as I know, only control eight channels at the time but maybe one can decide to first use it with channels 1-8 and mixe them and then on channel 9-16 etc. I don’t know.
Anyway, the bottom line is that you can easily have 16 channels with most soundcards and new computers. If you need to record many tracks at once, you need a soundcard with many channels, but If you plan on only recording one or a few tracks at the time, you only need a few channels on your soundcard. If you really need to record 16 channels simultaneously, you can use several soundcards in one computer. My setup is expandable to 40 channels in and out but when would you ever need that?
What you need to get started is a soundcard of your choice and a new hard disk. Keep Windows and your programs on your old disk and use the new only for recording. Get an EIDE 7200rpm disk, with low average seek time, of whatever size and brand you like.
Confused yet?