what bit should i record with??

pod4477 said:
haha i def. am takin note of all this. Thanx MD that helped a big amount. So whats a multiple mono file and why is it used? thanks

a multiple mono simply means that instead of being a stereo track, tou have two mono tracks, one has the L info, the other the R info. I said that because PT doesn't allow you to import stereo files, it converts them into multiple mono, so when i do a bounce so that i can master it i always bounce to a mulitple mono so as to save those 5secs or so of convert time ;)

don't know what other progs are like..it's just the way I do it..
danny.guitar said:
No point in recording in 32-bit if you only have 24-bit converters.

Hi Danny....
and I guess there is no point in recording in 16 bit if you have converters with a 32 bit floating point function.?