
My guess is that the VTB-2 hits the stores at the end of the summer, not early 2003, as was hoped.
Wow. That sounds like a unit I would concider buying, if the sound delivers. I like the idea behind the vtb-1- I just do too much stereo recording to feel like buying 2 1/2 racks.

For some reason, though, a 1u rack with 2 similar units and VU meters really floats my boat.

I'm probably dreaming, here, but I'd like to put in my suggestion for both -10 and +4 outputs.

Firewire sounds cool, but doesn't that put you guys in the business of writing drivers for it? It just feels like it's going to be hard to hit that price point and still supply useable A/D conversion and multiplatform support.

Good luck, Alan! Keep up the good work.

Take care,
Buck62 said:
My guess is that the VTB-2 hits the stores at the end of the summer, not early 2003, as was hoped.

You win Buck... We think earlier than that, but not as quick as we wanted. Too much is going into this.
DJL said:
Will the new VTB-2 preamp be well shielded against RF?

Yes, we are using very high quality power supplies and components. Proper shielding will not be an issue on our part, but RF is strange enemy.....
I do live sound and recording and have had some problems with RF with some gear in the past. For example it was living hell working at a ham radio swap meet.
Hmmm, the VTB-1 and VTB-2!!!

Say Alan, when will you be commencing production
of the VTB-X3-Pro !!!??? ;) :cool: ;)
Hmmm, the VTB-1 and VTB-2!!!

Say Alan, when will you be commencing production
of the VTB-X3-Pro !!!??? ;) :cool: ;)

I guess we have to determine just what that product is first...:eek: :)
I know that many of us have pretty fancy requests here, but dont forget the most inportant thing is keeping the price point low without compromising the sound. Instead of using an expensive pair of inaccurate VU meters that have never made any unit sound better. Try like 10 led instead of 5. that should help alot. then go coax out , maybe lightpipe, but firewire will only cost alot more to put the stuff inside, then the software issues will also kill the units price, and think about all the complaints that will get you from all of us with computers that dont want to work with that.

Transformer design is a good idea but try to get them to give you a deal there. I dont need the thing to be pretty, Ive never heard a cd and thought that the mic pre on that recording sure looks pretty.
darrin_h2000 said:
Instead of using an expensive pair of inaccurate VU meters that have never made any unit sound better. Try like 10 led instead of 5. that should help alot. then go coax out , maybe lightpipe, but firewire will only cost alot more to put the stuff inside, then the software issues will also kill the units price, and think about all the complaints that will get you from all of us with computers that dont want to work with that.

Well, these days I believe VU-meters aren't THAT inaccurate anymore...and they can also be scaled to digital scale (so that if the needle hits 0db VU, it's also outputting +24dBu (or 0dBFS)
and how expensive can they be?
I also don't give a rats ass about a Firewire connector (a S/PDIF coax/toslink duo will do fine, and maybe make that Toslink a sort of duo for S/PDIF andADAT use, I've seen these before), ofcourse XLR and jack (bal/unbal.) with +4dBU/-10dBV switches... Hey if Behringer can put that shit on a $99 2 channel mic pre, I'll bet Studio Projects can do the same on a $599 2 channel mic pre... :p
darrin_h2000 said:
Ive never heard a cd and thought that the mic pre on that recording sure looks pretty.
Guess you don't know how a Focusrite Red7 looks like... ;)
Originally posted by MISTERQCUE
Hmmm, the VTB-1 and VTB-2!!!

Say Alan, when will you be commencing production
of the VTB-X3-Pro !!!???

I guess we have to determine just what that product is first...

Well Alan, that's easy: the VTB-3 will be the VTB-2's little brother, a class A solid state stereo micpre. The additional X designates germanium transistors for that extra vintage flavor, and the pro version has imput transformers (Lundahl, Jensen, Haufe - I haven't decided yet :D )
All good information. Yes, VTB-2 has XLR and 1/4" outputs, yes digital outs of all flavors...The answer to the transformer will have to wait. We have to keep some secrets you know...

Hopefully, this one will be pretty, and yes, VU accurate meters..
How about a VTB-69XXX?

Here's an ad slogan....

"It's so good, you'll cream in your pants!" :D
My sponsor at Gearaholics Anon. said that Alan is a pusher, and I should avoid him. He starts you out on a little mic, then it's a pre, then another mic.........and......they just keep getting more expensive!!!!!!
I've been straight for a month now, but those damned VU's are making my hand shake. I have to make a call.

One Day At A Time
Buffalo Bob said:
My sponsor at Gearaholics Anon. said that Alan is a pusher, and I should avoid him. He starts you out on a little mic, then it's a pre, then another mic.........and......they just keep getting more expensive!!!!!!
I've been straight for a month now, but those damned VU's are making my hand shake. I have to make a call.

One Day At A Time

Shhhh...I don't want to get caught...:eek:
Buffalo Bob said:
My sponsor at Gearaholics Anon. said that Alan is a pusher, and I should avoid him. He starts you out on a little mic, then it's a pre, then another mic.........and......they just keep getting more expensive!!!!!!
I've been straight for a month now, but those damned VU's are making my hand shake. I have to make a call.

One Day At A Time

Do I have to admit I'm a mic junkie to join?