Vocal Mics


New member
I record here in my room, I need some suggestions on a mic (300$) range, strictly for vocals, rap music type vocals.. I been looking at the MXL 2003, how is that for 300? Also, what's a good pre-amp, cheap, but nice product.. $150 maybe.
In the $300 range, I would be looking at either the Rode NT100 or the AT 4040.

For rap, I think you'd really dig the Shure SM7-B.

No disrespect to Gidge, but most of the mics he just mentioned are decent ebay fodder at best . . . pure grade-A crap at worst.
You mean the NT1000? It's like 350 I think.. Who makes the AT4040 and where can I see it? Is the NT1000 handheld? I dunno if I want handheld mic, I want to put it somewhere.. Also, how is the Marshal MXL 2003 Or the MXL V69?
AT4040 is .. Audio Technica 4040..it sells for about $299.00.And yes I think he ment the Rode NT 1000 and no its not a hand held..I belive its a large diapham{1inch capsule} condenser.. like the 4040

Is the MXL 2003 or the V69 from Marshall too? Remember, this mic is stricly for voice recording. Thanks.
How about the AKG C3000B mic? Is that good? I need a good quality voice recording mic for 300$ and under.. Is there a way I can hear these mic's preformance before I buy?
Yea, both of the mxl mics are from Marshall. No, the AKG isn't any good, several suggestions have already been made; might want to go back and read again. Check in to the return policies . . . set up a listening session at your retailer . . . rent . . . or just pick one, pray and hope for the best.
At around $500, it's a wonderful mic. I don't know how it would fair in a rap setting. I'd be inclined to reach for something like a Shure SM-7 (not to be confused with a 57).
i third the sm7 for rap. also look into the beyer m88. these will give you tracks that will be easier to control in a mix. easier to get an "in your face" sound.

also, they are both really hardy mics, and you can get them used for a little over $200.
Ok, either the Marshal MXL2003, the V69M, V93M.. The AT 4040, how is that BTW? The Rode NT1000, the Shure-SM7, whitch one? Pro's and Cons of each, and their price! Need recording for vocals stricly vocals, rap type music.. And here in my room, something that'll preform well for the money.. 300$ price max.
wvsoulja said:
Pro's and Cons of each

* mxl 2003 / v93 = same mic, different model number.

Pros: Good door stop, paperweight.

* V69M: Don't know; haven't used.


Pros: Great-sounding mic. More neutral-sounding than the NT1000. Not as much high-end boost.

Cons: Let me think on this one.


Pros: Another Great-sounding mic. Crisp, clean, etc.
Cons: Still thinking . . . maybe a bit bright and sibilant at times -- Rodes can be that way.

*Shure SM-7

Pros: Yet another amazing vocal mic. Very smooth. Excells at voiceovers, female vocals, and is great for Rap as well

Conclusion: Just get the sm-7, or flip a coin and you'll get a great mic either way.
:D Gay? I think it's because of the foam windscreen they stuck on it in the ads. Just take it off, and it's a man's mic.

You could paint it pink with rainbows, or draw a bunch of buff males in bondage and it could be construed as gay, I suppose.

And no, you don't need a pop filter.